
Shaggers only edition

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For me its Azula.

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>shaggers only
>is a virgin

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well that’s you out then haha

They are like 28 but never shagged lmaooo im bowled over atm

The emergence of the yeoman farmer: a peasant smallholder with up to 100 acres of land.

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Alri lads

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Yank runt in serious denial lmaooooo

hullo laddie

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Why is rorke so obsessed with "the white race" when he can't even define it

am i

Do you think he was maybe trying to draw a sky knob and got confused, lads?

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oh wait new hread
Niggers really out here walking about as adult virgins lol i thought it was a meme parody irony or smth but they really are waaaaaahahah

Fucking hell im done in im laughing

I am the King of Israel

my ancestors

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Off you go yanks. This thread doesn't apply to you. Shoo! Shoo!

His teeth look like chewing gums

Why is london paki so obsessed with rorke when he can't even define it

Would like to see this cunt and Piers Morgan die in a horrific house fire.

Lmao you ain't had sex bruv

youre like 30


have sex

Things you never hear about in the news anymore:
>office of budget responsibility
>institute for fiscal studies
>credit rating agencies

cam-borne sure did a number on us.

reckon a single punch would knock lil douggie swift off his feet

HATE personalities but ALWAYS back them over a yank

feel bad for you, honestly. this is your life. this is literally all you've got going for yourself. coming in here every day, posting the same exact things. the same "gimmicks", the same pictures, the same "jokes", the same phrases. it's sad. and then, when somebody else pops in, trying something new, it causes you to have a meltdown. you know how fucking pathetic that is? even online, on some anonymous imageboard, you can't handle being outside of your comfort zone.

but yeah, let me leave you, so you can go back to posting "poo" followed by your fake "haha"ing.

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Had more sex than any of you have had hot dinners.
There's no way you can drag me down to you level. I've made it x

>Scotland ran a deficit seven times higher than the UK as a whole last year, despite again cutting its overspend on public services.

lmaooooo they're never leaving

Excellent post friend

>yank flag
>"london paki"
>"youre dave"
>virgin post
>virgin blog post about being a virgin
>trip post
>paki post
>wog bop post
>irish gamer post
>irish just be bro post
>youtube cretin link post "x opened his curtain" post
>tranny post
>gay post
>oxford nonce homo post
>slag post of ugly slag
>saffer post of utter drivel


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alan would be a class bond villain with that haircut one of the new ones that’s got a bit of a creepy edge to them

all me

Odd how lefties spent years hating the monarchy and demanding it be overthrown, but now worship it because some mixed race lass is involved.

why simon cowell? he's just a bit of a reality tv twat.


returned here after 1 month of not posting.
same cunts repeating the same shite, arguing about the same rubbish.
it's mental really.
I literally climbed 3 mountains while they continued calling random people Dave or Rorke

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>Would like to see this cunt and Piers Morgan die in a horrific house fire.
Alri Jameela?

I see you're confusion about seeing me as a yank as you just see an American flag
but I'm not a yank you see, I'm from Pennsylvania

Devolution was a mistake.

wow you're so interesting

based fellow PA burger

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL what drugs her parents slipping this docile cunt

Scotland formed the United Kingdom to drain money from the English
the Scots are aristocrats

This is why.

Lmao. She can get in the oven too.

hi Matt

yeah I probably am when compared to you

poo haha x


>I literally climbed 3 mountains
To earn the respect of /brit/ all you have to do is walk a rickety line across the shortest span of Wales

who the fuck is matt

wow that was such a good and necessary post, you're so interesting

just walked down the stairs now


Scottish Peepoolution

bought a kindle a few years ago, don't read cos it's boring, but I put a few pseud books on there and the bitches love it when they randomly open it and see what i'm "reading"

Dumb slags lmao

Just woke up in a field

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black and brown people are the future. white people need to stop living in the past

yanks are like the cool older brother that stops by now and again to impart wisdom and give good and straightforward advice

the yank manifesto

Wow epic nice did you upload it to your vlog?????????? of course you did

you're just repeating yourself now
that's a sure sign that I am more interesting than you in general

mmm linguini

I don't use social media
I took some pics of the views on my phone

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am currently binge-watching all episodes of On the Buses


you are clearly a superior man for coming into a general you claim not to use, bragging to no-one and insulting strangers

I’m English listening to House of Pain and no mick can stop me

eat more kale

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leftypol took down my pants during phys ed and all the girls saw my butterfly boxers

Get a life

very based

did your parachute not open haha

Britain is a nation of immigrants.

Based fellow shagger putting the mentally ill incels in their place

can't even lift the smallest kettle bell in the gym lads

invaders you mean

How much does it weigh

what is? the pics or the fact I don't use social media?
both are true in equal mesaure tbaaehwy (to be absolutely and entirely honest with you)

christ im so much better than you lot its not even funny

Final 3 hours before YouTube utterly destroys what we formerly knew as 'culture'


Did the man affect more change with a brief stroll over a small country than any other human being, living or dead

You're scaling another mountain right now lad, one made of the utter fucking dung that is falling from your mouth

Think on. Seriously

I haven't insulted anyone. It's seems the mere insinuation of somebody doing something for themself has offended and enraged you.

whats happening?

if there's one thing all completely successful and secure people do, it's brag about themselves to strangers on the internet

are you lifting with your mouth?

Weakling I could crush you

alri lads who is your favorite british monarch and why?

me? king richard

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Having cheeseburgers and beers for tea

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shut the fuck up about your boring reddit bollocks that no-one has heard of

nah i tie a band round my balls

How did you become so bitter that you can't conceive the notion of somebody else having a mountain climbing holiday?