Is white fever real?

Is white fever real?

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In San Francisco I see more wmaf couples than wmwf or amaf couples.

It creeps me out. Asian girls bascially throw themselves at you here.

Yes. If you're a moderately attractive white guy, asian girls will nearly fling themselves at you.

I live in a college town so there are a lot of those money asian bitches in moncler around here and I've never had any even look in my direction lol. Either I'm ugly af or maybe it's because I rarely go outside idk lol.

>In San Francisco I see more wmaf couples than wmwf or amaf couples.

Are you insecure or shy? Seems like they can sense weakness. Chinese girls especially

If you were to go by google search results then no. If you go outside then maybe. Google is doing some shady shit

what the fuck?

no, only slut pig degenerate fuck asian girl go for white, you can have it we not want it!!!


beware of gaijin hunters

She is clearly drunk

Asian women fuck on the first date. The trad meme is incel cope.

>Asian women fuck on the first date
hahaahha lmao NO

You have never been to Asia.

not ugly shits like you

I have actually
I look better than you Incel

Many girls live with their parents here. They are usually eager if you have your own apartment.

This is also the case in NYC. It seems like every other WM has an Asian gf.

>I look better than you Incel

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Where in Asia did you travel? It really depends on the country. Vietnamese girls you need to take out on like 3 dstes before they let them fug you. Thai girls on the other hand you can smash same day.

Oh ok I dont care they are not Asian to me and yes they are whores you are correct

Lol he is qt asian slayer. This girl called 'water' is currently his main thing.

He is unironically living the dream, he's intelligent, speaks multiple asian languages, makes money like water, slays asian pussy like it's nothing, extroverted

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>they are not Asian to me
Based retard

She's hot as fuck.
I hate my life

I dont understand how the average height normal white male can be an incel desu

What does this guy do for a living?

i don't live my life vicariously through the achievement of others so i don't know or care and am only concerned about my own success, future and merits.

Travels Asia while being chased by yellow girls that want him

and for the 500th time
you have never touched an asian girl, subhuman weakling

Wrong again. BLVCK BVLLS always win.

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>wow gee why do so many chinkettes want visas haha


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Everyone look at this ugly sperg and laugh

>can't differ black and indian

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Alicia Keys is actually black though

Ah yes, the eternal visa hunter who is already living in the US and were born there. Romanian education at work.

Why are white women repulsed by desis? Most of us are doctors and engineers and great people but instead they chase after gang banger Juan and Ahmed the jihadi


because poos are short, stinky, and look like rapists.

>Why don't women go for the ugly smart guys!
No bitch gets wet because of a PhD.

Jose and Rodriguez are 100x more likely to rape than Indians

indians are creepy, materialistic, very conscious of social status and always have a seething vibe

He live streamed his life in Japan and now where ever else he wants to since he's successful

What do you think all those love hotels are for?

Asian racism is too spicy for me and I don't want to date one anymore

Based Jake, he's actually pretty cool even though some of the posts here are making him seem like a scumbag

based Jake

Why did they cut off his penis? Did he rape someone? Nignogs tend to do that.

Incel freak
Women FUCK in first dates

>Did he rape someone?
tried to, the woman he tried to rape cut his dick off

>hate on blacks who did almost nothing wrong to Asia
>love Europeans who brutally colonized half the continent

if an asian person goes to Africa, they are usually respected
if an asian person goes to Europe or America, they will be laughed at.

lmao asian women are based


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>if an asian person goes to Africa, they are usually respected

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