From today's march on Rome

From today's march on Rome.

Attached: DNzlUMkWsAAxF50.jpg (1200x900, 339K)

sorry r they refugees or identitarians

What march on Rome? Are the fascists back?


i wish i was white

Attached: jiana.png (418x525, 493K)

Alright, since you are american and I don't want you on this board:
1. Turn on hotspot on your phone (or share your phones internet) and connect to it on your computer (unnecessary if phoneposter)
2. Put phone on flight mode
3. Delete phone's internet history
4. Your IP has changed. If you still can't post like this, try using a different browser or incognito mode.
5. Never come to my board again

io voto pd

Il prietto

sorry r they refugees or identitarians

No march on Athens?


fuck you, mahmoud.

Attached: average fin.jpg (1439x1440, 207K)


Refugees (Levantines) are HWITE.

How is that fucking autism?
You're saying you are banned on Jow Forums I taught you how to be unbanned. Fucking idiot. Be grateful, do what I told you, it literally takes 10 seconds and go back to Jow Forums

i have two separate houses though and i'm unbanned on the other one.

no those are Nafritalians

Attached: 1539535654836.png (1200x900, 1.79M)

how mad can you get, achmed?

Attached: med gods.png (765x857, 448K)

you can be unbanned on both. Why are you here on this board?

non stop italy hate threads that i need to derail

nordniggers are fucking retarded

why the fuck do they come to other countries to protest?

>Anything else than American
>get shot