The great California divide is White/Asian vs. Hispanic/Black

The great California divide is White/Asian vs. Hispanic/Black

Which side do you go with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hispanics roll with whites in prison gangs and crime
Asians and blacks are their own thing

are there even any whites in california outside entertainment industry

>The great California divide is White/Asian vs. Hispanic/Black

Attached: chinese wojak.png (1600x905, 631K)

>Hispanics roll with whites in prison gangs and crime
I thougfht it was Nazies ie most whiteys, Latinos and Blacks

I'm white but I'm siding with the blacks and Mexicans.

There are Latinos in Aryan Brotherhood and shit, and whites in the Mexican Mafia. And I think those two gangs are allies in general.

LatinXes write white in on forms so technically California is 73% on paper
it's actually only 40 something% white though

>t. half filipino incel hapa

Warning: an Asian or Asian sympathiser wrote this thread.

Lots of latinos actually hate blacks
Take this for instance
>The gang has been involved in terrorizing African American residents in Los Angeles. 51 members of the Azusa 13 street gang have been indicted and convicted since 2011 for “terrorizing” African Americans in Azusa. In 2013, Santiago “Chico” Rios, a leader of the gang, was sentenced to 19 years and seven months in prison by U.S. District Judge Gary A. Feess, according to the Times, and his hearing impaired son, Louie “Lil Chico” Rios, was given a 10-year sentence. Both had pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack African Americans and chase them out Azusa, a gang policy established in 1992, the paper said.[4] The attacks by this gang have been described as a campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[5]
>Much of the racially inspired murder and mayhem was and is being directed from far away from the streets and hills of Los Angeles. As the Intelligence Report detailed in the Winter 2006 issue the powerful Mexican Mafia, a prison-based gang, had given the “green light” to the many Latino gangs it controls in Southern California to terrorize and murder black people as part of the effort to drive them out.[6]

Asian blacks and Hispanics get along here, what's all this coming from?

What kind of hispanics are we talking here, from where

For the last time, no Asians don't like whites
Most California Asians love Hispanic people. We got the whole family value thing, conservative traditions, and general being an immigrant thing in common

Don't you find it weird that despite millions of Hispanics and Asians in one area, there's never been a major ethnic fight between em?

There's an unspoken tension between Asians and Hispanics. Only Pinoys get along with Hispanics

Huh that's nifty. Didn't know that but I can see it.

Flips are turbo-normies. They get along with anyone.

>unspoken tension between Asians and Hispanics

Like Chinese and Korean people making fusion items with Mexican food? Or Mexicans developing their own kind of sushi?

Oh how about pajeets intermarrying Mexican chicks?

Imagine acting like a subhuman and then thinking you're better than the people you're unleashing your subhumanity on.

Yeah and here I thought that delusion was limited to white Jow Forums types.

>We got the whole family value thing

Whites have family values

Hispanics and Asians stick together. The Asian/white alliance is a yellow fever meme.

>Hispanics and Asians stick together.


idk they just do. They kind of look alike. I can barely tell Flips and Mexicans apart.

>Hispanics and Asians stick together.

Chinese, Koreans and Japs hate Spics.

hispanic here
we get along really good with japs and flips

What the fuck makes one invest their scarce time in asking a bunch of strangers in a finnish reindeer-taming forum this question?

Why Flips?