I think the EU should buy Alaska

I think the EU should buy Alaska.

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We should buy Louisiana and Quebec


It's just an illustration dumb autist

implying poorupe can afford it

I remember hearing CNN say earlier that they were waiting for someone to offer to buy Hawaii.
But this is so fucking retarded.

Hawaii (and Alaska) are core territory of the US. Full states, fully represented, etc. Greenland is treated as a backwater by the filthy Danes, is not fully represented, etc.


Attached: download.jpg (199x253, 9K)

That would be plenty of lebensraum we can espace to when European Caliphate is declared.
Really good idea.

Make an offer, if you wish.
But selling Alaska would be the equivalent of France selling Alsace-Lorraine

It unironically isn't. Greenland is self-governing, autonomous and basically its own country in every way, whereas Alaska is an integrated full-fledged state in the Union.

Only when we decide. And if you refuse to give us a reasonable price we will cut diplomatic relations.

>Greenland is self-governing, autonomous and basically its own country in every way
So you see you can't buy it to Denmark then, retard

Denmark basically insulted the US by not even answering the offer properly.
Instead they called it ludicrous. Despite this being the third time we've tried to do it. None of the other times they answered in this manner, thus it's obviously politically charged.

An ally shouldn't snob an ally.

Americans have always a good excuse for their despicable behavior. I've noticed that with tourists too.

>So you see you can't buy it to Denmark
what did he mean by this?

Attached: surprisedcia.png (467x529, 469K)

>despicable behavior
Every thing about France is despicable.
Especially the part about it not being English.

*always have

Your president shows more respect to Kim Jong-un than he does to our leaders, meddles in our internal affairs, then gets offended when people tell him his offers are absurd.

I've never really gotten super mad at anything Trump did but this Greenland thing honestly distresses me. I like other countries. I like learning about other people. I want him to stop FUCKING AROUND

And the way 90% of Americans in these threads back him up makes me really unhappy. For the first time I can kind of grasp why most of my country is so passionate about hating him

>more respect to Kim Jong-un than he does to our leaders
It's almost as if Kim is holding a major US ally hostage.

If Austria had nuclear weapons pointed at Rome would you prefer the US president to be consistently denouncing him and threatening war? Or would you rather him try to deescalate the situation

Extremely 10/10 top class post.

>I've never really gotten super mad at anything Trump did but this Greenland thing honestly distresses me.
Greenland is extremely strategically important, and it makes perfect sense for the US to want it.
But that's besides the point. Denmark's PM was a complete asshole about the issue. But US media is giving her a pass just because Denmark is a NATO ally.

>And the way 90% of Americans in these threads back him up makes me really unhappy.
I dislike Trump. But if a foreign leader disrespects the president then that is disrespecting the US as a whole. He is the Head of State, regardless of personal opinion on him.

Always a good excuse

Your fat 'leader' is disrespecting other head of state on a daily basis...

>if a foreign leader disrespects the president then that is disrespecting the US as a whole.
I don't respect him, he doesn't respect other people, on a personal level I don't want respect of things I care about to be tied to respect of him. If I were to agree with your statement, it would be on the level of agreeing to do a particularly soul-deadening and lengthy chore. A drag. Let the disrespect fly in this case.

I am interested in what the Danish PM actually said in quotes though. Can't find it online.

>Trump spoke about his friendship with Abe and how fascinated he was with Abe’s father, who had been a kamikaze pilot. Trump asked Abe if the kamikaze pilots were drunk or on drugs. Abe said no, they just loved their country. Trump remarked, “Imagine they get in a plane with a half a tank of gas and fly into steel ships just for the love of their country!”

Ain’t nothing wrong with a little map painting, just don’t tell /gsg/

Alaska maybe no, but I would like Albania, Serbia, based Georgia and Armenia pls.

I don't know if you are , who specifically said
>an ally shouldn't snob an ally
But the guy whom you put into the oval office refused to shake hands with the democratically elected German chancellor upon first meeting her.
Your previous administrations ran spy games in our countries for decades.
Two weeks ago, your president had the american ambassador send a letter to the swedish attorney general asking him to ignore the law of his country so some irrelevant black rapper could be freed, just so he could capitalise on that.
You've illegally kidnapped people on our soil, your military have killed people in accidents without any consequence.
You've been trying to fuck with our economy since 2016, and we are your allies.
And then someone says that your president's project to buy their land is absurd, and you suddenly get offended because we almost behaved like you have been doing for the past 70 years.
Because yeah the problem is clearly us, and totally your leader's antics and his retarded Twitter diplomacy in spite of seven decades of cooperation.