What do typical incels wear in your cunt?

What do typical incels wear in your cunt?

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Hurr durr normal attire is incel xdddd

Incel spotted

The "normal" yanks all wear oversized hoodies/football jerseys and baggy cargo shorts lmao

>normal attire

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I have those exact jeans

I do all of those except have a chin and different jeans so im good
new balance is unironically based

>wears t-shirts
I guess most people are incels then

>normal attire

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If you wear a t shirt when you go out then lmao

Why don't you supposed European 100% white bois ever post your selfies to show how superior you are?

You aren't ugly now are you? Funny the ones constantly mocking others appearance usually are ugly themselves

... yikes

i wear jeans + hoodie no matter the weather even if its super hot

Your country is autistic so it's excused

i did this all last semester of college except it was a zip up disney world hoodie so i probably looked even more autistic

>normal attire

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>normal attire
die incel

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Bruh.... Look at dis doooood

okay but seriously that is completely normal clothing for everyday shit

hello incel


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what the fuck am I suppose to wear then, you autistic freaks?

>virgin jeans
someone explain this fucking maymay to me RIGHT NOW

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>okay but seriously
Why do redditors have to announce they're being serious? It's an anonymous imageboard, grow the fuck up.

And the only meme thing in the image is the t-shirts, bit you shouldn't be wearing those if you go out. If you wear autism jeans/glasses or the dad shoes then you're an honorary incel.

yea even so most people here and especially the ones i see (or who see me) are normies and most even are women

>wearing the same hoodie all semester long
based, i wore the same hoodie for like 2 years in junior high, same jeans too
in high school and ever since i've been switching between two hoodies and two jeans

>normal attire

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>he does the virgin walk while wearing the virgin jeans

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This is what the typical american male wears everyday. Anything else is a big red flag for homicidal tendencies

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somebody call CIA we got an incel on the loose

>based, i wore the same hoodie for like 2 years in junior high, same jeans too
>in high school and ever since i've been switching between two hoodies and two jeans
based and functional pilled

Fitting clothes that look mature and /out/door, natural colors like red, dark blue, olive and brown, nothing nerdy or edgy.

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Are jeans bad now?? What kind of ahirt amni supposed to wear?? Wtf is this fashion this is a woman thing you faggot

>t-this is normal attire right guyss?

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Would you recommend /fa/? I don't know where to look for fashion because /fa/ buys $120 dollar shirts...

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sure pibe

t. Future mass shooter

If you seriously think those jeans are normal looking then I seriously wonder wtf you guys are wearing.

The guy in your pic is wearing jeans and try using the same clothes as him on this climate

ill-fitting bootcut jeans in a dark wash that are faded in the knee area
/fa/ is a good resource. if you ask them where to buy good shit that isn't exorbitantly priced they'll tell you

I dont recommend going to /fa/ggots
Soon you will be having sex with your rear

Who said jeans are bad you incel. There's a difference between virgin/incel jeans and jeans like the ones in that pic.

don't know desu I see many guys wearing them but personally I find them ugly and gay. I only wear black/dark blue jeans

Explain them you faggot

I don't get it. That looks perfectly fine.
I rock pic related to catch me some hot chicks.

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The fuck are you guys on, jorts and wide pants are fucking IN, you guys need to get your shit together, its called fashion, you should look it up

Someone above already did

fashion is for women and faggots

What about gay men?

Yes i said faggots

Literally everyone wears t shirts, especially here in Florida. Is everyone an incel?

Convince me how you're pedo khakis gets you pussy user

peak cope desu, I'm quite /fa/ irl and I've gotten compliments from lots of people about it, especially Chads and Stacies.

But this is a gay board

>thinks that virgin jeans = all jeans
>thinks that graphic tees = all t-shirts

Reminder you share a board with these people

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>calling out "r*dditors"
>plebbit spacing

no, floridians are a whole other problem

OP image says tshirts, not just graphic tees. put your glasses back on so you can see


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His jeans are fitting, unlike OPs. And where I'm from it gets cold here during this time of the year. During the summer I just wear pic related with khaki shorts or legs. Rhodesian style shorts if I'm in the deep countryside.

I don't know that board. I'm pretty sure you can buy cheap decent clothes there at GAP, the secret is on the size, it must look fitting, not skinny or baggy, just right. Never wear full black and avoid vibrant colors unless it's a floral shirt with bright white shorts, floral shirts with bright white shorts are based during the summer, boomer fashion can look good sometimes.

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>I don't know where to look for fashion because /fa/ buys $120 dollar shirts...
workout enough to fit in uniqlo clothes and then spend a good amount of $ on good looking suedes, after that it's game
being /fa/ for normies is 50% color palette 25% wearing fitting clothes and 25% accessories(shoes, watch, normal haircut, trimming your beard or shaving)
Most importantly remember you won't make friends with everybody, it's natural to meet people you won't click with but don't let that get you down, at all times just be yourself and you'll find others like you

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dont ever take advice from /fa/

>I don't know where to look for fashion
just buy basic H&M shit that fits your body you dumbass retard stop acting as if in order to look like a normal human being one has to follow some specific guides

Or maybe don't waste countless of dollars/hours just to appease some random subhumans?

Average Macri supporter

el incelANO

t. inceltina

Colors that don't stand out but aren't always black like grey, green, dark blue, earthtones

>hahah, let's call this guy with a regular sense of fashion an incel, so epic bro

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realized i was unpopular/ugly quickly and never bothered to keep up with fashion bc it's pointless

Just google some pictures and try to imitate.
Make sure clothes fit 100%, that's more than half of it.

jaja una incelina

>fashion sense


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This so much

Why even care about normalfags if you can never be one?

oh no no no
ha ha ha

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thats non sense those shoes and that KIND OF jean has something wrong with them

Honestly, most people thinking they're ugly just have bad fashion and are too awkward. If you're not literally physically deformed then it's all in how you dress, try to be more bold and careless, stop thinking about what other people will think, and women naturally cling to freaks with neck/face tattoos and rotting pube hairstyles no matter how their face looks, so you always have that option if you're desperate.

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I just try not to stand out mainly

They're fine.

>Just be yourself bro

You know, most incels are not being themselves, they're holding on to something their shitty families and society told them is the ideal, but deep inside they're not being themselves. I've been there, I was raised by an engineer and a math teacher. One day you'll have to wake up and say "fuck that shit that ain't me" and do what you want.

Here's the biggest redpill: women don't like the "chads" that keep being posted here, they like bold freaks that don't give a shit about other people's opinions about them. Literally just be yourself.

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I was myself and people think that I am the clever autistic creep. Stuff like this won't work for the majority of us and that's a fact

I've got bad news for ya, bud.

I wear a plain t-shirt, sweatpants, and socks with sandals. Basically whatever is most comfy to wear, who cares what people think of what you're wearing.

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steve jobs popularized those baggy jeans, in a sense they are fairly normal. nothing wrong with those shoes or shirt, real casual.

>no jaw

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This is why you don't have sex

I wear t shirts but almost always with some outerwear

That defeatist mindset is your problem. And again you always have the option to be a freak if you're desperate, there will always be women flocking to those because it signals boldness and confidence.

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The fuck you're supposed to wear during summer beside t shirts and polos? shirts are for faggots.

i can see what you're getting at but it's not going to happen

that shirt has a really neutral design
it should have something cringe like a metal band or videogame.

Just try not to be another victim of shame and self-deprecation, that shit literally kills you.

Sometimes when I really dont give a fuck I wear old, ripped black hoodie, jean jacket with metal band patches and Crust pants.

It's more like incels don't want to settle down with a 5/10, they don't understand that when you're not very good looking, you won't get a 10/10.

Tené sexo.

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It's a normal thing here.
I guess it's the climate.