I'm 28 and just had my first wet dream

I'm 28 and just had my first wet dream

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im proud of you

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did you at least remember the dream?
When it happens to me I just wake up with cum in my undies
nothing but irritating

I am 32 and I hope one day I will finally experience the joy of ejaculation.

thank u user
having sex with one of my female friends

was surprised when i woke up with cum in my undies

had one the other night. worst part is i didn't even have sex in the dream, i was just whacking off. fell asleep in jeans too so i woke up with a big grease stain on them

do americans really?

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> he's even a virgin in his dreams

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do you keep sleeping after you had a wet dream? I think all the times I had them I woke up just as I was cumming.

That's what porn does to your brain.

no gross i got up and cleaned myself off in the bathroom and changed my underwear

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I had a LOT of wet dreams about wearing girls' clothes (which i never did).

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post bum

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delete this

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no I mean do you automatically wake up when you cum during sleep? Because I do

jk user i luv u

have good day

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I'm 29 and never had a wet dream, all my jizz has been released by masturbation or sex.

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I dream about jerking off into the toilet. I dream about driving to work but never getting to where I'm going the road just never ends. I dream about failing university classes because I'm too lazy to write papers

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>Dream that I'm back in highschool and I'm going to fail
>wake up stressed as fuck thinking I have assignments due and shit

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One of my first wet dreams did involve Dawn and Cynthia from Pokemon Dia (4th gen). I still do fap to their hentais desu

Sorry, but i'm straight.

I've never had a wet dream.

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I only had one 3 month into nofap but it's been almost 2 years now without one

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I feel violated, please stop.

>haven't had a sex dream since I was 15 and now just orgasm in my sleep without dreaming if I don't fap once every two weeks
I barely ever dream in general, and when I do it's either too realistic for me to notice or it's a nightmare.

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I remember having sex with my teachers and crush in a dream
Good shit

very occasionally I have lucid dreams (more accurately, I think I dream that I'm having a lucid dream. I have limited control and a short attention span when it happens) and I try to find girls I know and fuck them.
usually can't just spawn in whatever girl I want though, have to make do with whoever is present at the time

I remember I had one sick dream where I had a watch that would bring me back to the start of the school day every time I pressed something
I fucked every girl I liked and did so much shit in just one dream, I will never forget it

nice deserve a toast

I know that feeling

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Straight men don't have those dreams desu

I don't think I've ever had one, but I have been fapping daily since I was about 5

I suspect wet dreams happen to me if I don't whack off enought.

I've had few in my life but none that I can really remember at a moments notice.

the topic doesn't deserve a place in int
