¿Why are we spaniards so brown? I don't think we have anything in common with the rest of europe, except southern italy perhaps
¿Why are we spaniards so brown? I don't think we have anything in common with the rest of europe...
This spaniard is vloggin from africa and he could easily pass as a local in maghreb
>¿Why are we spaniards so brown?
But that's good
SPANISH BVLL here. We are WHITE. Nvm OP, he's a self-hating faggot.
G-gigachad? I-is that you?
Spaniards are an odd people, either they are very normie and attractive or absolute incels and quite ugly who look like that male pornstar named Jordi, with the later being the majority of posters here. On the other hand, Dutch and Scandinavian posters tend to be somewhere in the middle. How come?
Still have questions?
maybe because we are not related to ypipo?
>Why yes i travel across africa to learn new cultures
>what gave it away?
el imigrante marroquino senores
i don't really get it, how come we look so brown when we are are only 20% north african
>why yes, i love travelling on my motorbike through african countries, how could you tell?
He’s really cute. Probably just a tan.
Because the Arabs raided you a long time ago and raped your women lmao
that sandnigger would pass as a middle eastern here in the aures or little kabylia
why u using regionalisme
implying the kabyle or the aures guys loook any different from other algerians or maghrebis especially aures ones
Speak by yourself moor
This, I believe the ones larping as moors are nothing but trolls
>This, I believe the ones larping as moors are nothing but trolls
My Dad is part-Spaniard and honestly give him a turban and he'd pass for an Afghan
Well, also butthurt panchi/moor immigrants