Is it gay if you fuck a post-op tranny?

Is it gay if you fuck a post-op tranny?

I accidentally fucked one in Thailand... She/he told me that she was on her period and that I can "be the first one to fuck her ass" or some shit.

I just realized it was a tranny after thinking about it on the plane and reading similar stories on reddit...

Fuck guys... I literally want to kill myself now...

Attached: 8DF08047-C8DF-4FD1-8963-99F245E4D6E0.png (128x102, 17K)

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Tranny in question.

Holy shit it's so obvious looking back on it. Fuck I literally want to die.

Attached: C056B356-1E54-4D18-A9B2-E53460472803.jpg (763x1400, 192K)


Like, no penis due to operation.

Get tested at least.

its only gay if you got fucked
an ass is the same in both women and men

You are gay OP.

>fucking a tranny
do Americans really?

Yeah right buddy...
you are GAYyyyyyy

I didn't fucking realize until I came home dude. That's how convinced I was.

totally understandable if you were under the influence
I wouldn't call that an obvious tranny

>guesses it to be American
>it is
every time

Did you enjoy it?

>flag on top of post
>hurr I guess it

Yea. But if it was a dude then I might as well kill myself.

it's not a guy. please be tolerant with a tgirl!

Thats gay m8

The most important thing is that you enjoyed it user. We don't care if you're gay or not, we will still call you a faggot and tell you to kill yourself. So enjoy this time to be as much of a faggot you want to be

You only see the thread and image in the cata, burgertard.

women ass is soft, smell better and are more beautiful

This post is so Arab it makes me laugh

how many man asses have you smelled and touched in your life?

I don't know what he's touched but I personally like to stick my finger in my ass and it smells like cheese every time so that kind of turns me off
I'd imagine it'd be different for a girl

pretty cute desu

it is common sense

not really
mine is soft and smells like coconut oil

thank you

Well no. You thought you were fucking a chick but got tricked by some dickless freak. Why would that be gay?

There is no difference between fucking a mutilated man and fucking a man.

Also, if you didn’t know, you were basically raped.

yes kys

is it gay if you let a man give you a massage in one specific area between the legs and stomach until liquid shoots out?


Press F

Attached: HIV rash.jpg (650x350, 41K)

fucking kek typical desert man

Not at all, as long as it's for the sake of total focus on making the Olympics.