So what are the rarest race couples? My guess would be asian male/white female and asian male/black female

So what are the rarest race couples? My guess would be asian male/white female and asian male/black female

Attached: do you find asian guys sexy.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

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Both of those produce the best children.

Yeah, the only amwf couples are when the chinaman is a Chad.

Abo male/Asian woman, probably

Attached: 1566432542434.webm (404x720, 1013K)

>asian male/white female
That's the most common interracial couple concerning both of them here.

It has to be an obscure one so two minority groups

asian male + Arab female
Or Indian guy + black girl

Indian guy white girl

This literally isn’t a common relationship anywhere

AMPF(Arbanian male pajeeja female)

Attached: thumbnail.png (960x755, 732K)

Abos and Asians both eat bugs funny enough

>imortallity severed

white man/white female

Overall, it isn't common.
But among chink men and white women, it is.

Nilotic girl/Inuit boy

SEA men with anyone.


Aboriginal girl/Moldovan guy

Non latinos and white girls


Attached: BEANED.jpg (540x720, 83K)


Attached: 132C3ED4-9346-4B4C-9752-3D480EA995AB.jpg (750x987, 150K)

According to this chart it's a Hispanic male + black female

Attached: Interracial Marriage.png (420x778, 22K)

What is this chart supposed to show?

It’s Canada’s interracial marriage stats
Light green is for women
Dark green is for men

There is quite a few here with one percent

My guess would be Asian guy + Hispanic Women is the smallest if you compare decimals


Stats Canada census of population


It’s from somewhere in here
I wasn’t the guy who oringally posted it here

Attached: 86B26385-03A6-4ED9-8D66-7A6E1978EF73.jpg (669x481, 97K)

Or just go and search Canada mixed union stats or shows up as the first link

Attached: 151F6995-2B3E-4B35-8075-C691036AB5A8.jpg (750x1066, 318K)

my mom and dad
mom = Sephardi Jew
dad = Amerindian


Attached: 1562045984348.jpg (1734x3084, 406K)

Based and Truthpilled

Attached: 1566339919862.jpg (2048x1536, 707K)

wh*Te woman and wh*Te """male""" since theyre almost extinct lmao

Holy FUCK that guy is ugly, how much money do you think he has for her to be wit hhim

It’s mexican Andy he’s an irl streamer. The girl in the photo is some British girl whose being trying to be a streamer and used him to kickstart her career

that made me itchy

I've yet to see a single arab male/black female couple

I've seen a lot of those actually

Right? Its always the other way around for whatever reason


Attached: Screenshot_20190822-062228.jpg (2160x3037, 1.24M)

My city has a few of them.
But yes, rare.
In fact, I am more likely to see Muslim/Arab Man with White grill, actually!

Attached: sxx.jpg (539x960, 106K)

Good thing, since we Muslims/Arabs really are the true owners of your women :)

Attached: MUZZIE 01.jpg (900x310, 106K)


Attached: Jus.jpg (500x500, 86K)

Bobs and vagana

What the hell are Japs doing?

I actually know this guy from an MBTI related facebook group
Small world


Attached: pretty-white-girl-muslim-boyfriend.jpg (719x719, 59K)

Tell him, he's a bad-ass CHAD.
And to keep going! Don't let the R-necks try to take away his happiness!

>mfw asian male (part asian, basically the same)
>in quasi-relationship with white woman
>she has severe mental issues
>don't get along with many other women and stick with her cause she's a qt like pic related
>hoping she gets better one day
k i l l m e

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Y'all take this shit too seriously. We'll all be light brown in a few centuries with so much globalization

nah, africans will legit overrun most of the world, and only hardline ethnostates like china will not be flooded by africans fleeing climate change. every other country will be inundated.

nah dude not worth just go after qt Latina they love asian dick

honestly, I've been considering it. a lot of white women I meet seem to have a phone book worth of issues. if I'm being honest though, if I go after hispanic women, I'd just end up chasing white hispanic women. It's extremely shallow on my end, I realize that. I'd put up with more of their bullshit just because I like their beauty, more than a woman who is kind but not as pretty. Maybe I'll just wait till I age into looking like keanu, and things will be better lmao

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Do you have vanilla fever like that Korean poster?

are you look mostly asian or white?

honestly Latinas just want a daddy and someone to marry and provide for them. They're a lot like asian women except less pickyl. very conservative values and very superstitious

We'll be a mess like brazil or india at most. The light brown mongrel thing is just a meme.

I think 'fever' implies someone was raised around one race, then all of a sudden they have a fierce attraction towards a completely separate race. I was born and raised in a 90%+ white area and even though I'm only half white, I feel the closest to whites more than any other group, so much so I feel uncomfortable in "diverse" areas. White women have always been the norm for me, and in sort of a fucked up way what I associate with achieving my dream in life.

I don't know. Some people guess I'm asian, other people guess I'm white, one hour in the mirror I look very round faced and asian, the next hour it looks more boxy and european. I don't know

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Is it common for asian guys to go crazy for white women like how asian girls go crazy for white guys?

Be mai waifu pls Sweden
I need ur blonde hair blue eyes waifu

depends asian asians or asian americans


obviously a fake we all know japanese men hate 3d women

irl and not in the autistic reddit/Jow Forums sphere, a lot of asian guys I know stick with asian women. I only know one or two asians obsessed with the busty blonde image, and they're indians.

maybe I count as one of the latter? idk