Is there any reason to visit this cunt other than for the women?

Is there any reason to visit this cunt other than for the women?

Attached: Brazil_.jpg (472x331, 13K)

The Amazon if you're into that kind of thing

I thought they had nice cities, left from the portuguese?

No. Stay away.

The beautiful history of Brazil
The exotic beauty of its nature
The developed cities in the south
The nightlife
The cuisines

The beautiful rainfo-oh wait

Only Minas Gerais for the food.

If you're white, you'll essentially be a god among monkeys. You'll basically be swimming in pussy. Women will beg you to fuck them and give them white children, and men will beg you to fuck their sisters/daughters to bleach the family line. Of course, you have to get a really good tour guide to stay away from the shitty places, aka 90% of the country, or private bodyguards to shoot favelados if they try to eat you.

This. Brazil is a gem unironically.

If you are white you are shot

The women(men)

If you want to visit pantanal I recommend Dourados is a very beautiful place
Ro de janeiro is absolute garbage I'm afraid to travel there and get shot

The women is the main reason but not the only reason brazil is very scenic

I heard the coasts are made of poo there.


the retarded spics are trying their hardest to destroy it

>The developed cities in the south
South is a shit hole. STOP SPREADING THAT MEME!
The only good cities in Brazil are cities in SÃO PAULO STATE, the most well developed cities.

Attached: sul cagadeiros.png (485x603, 438K)

t. Paraisópolis dweller.

>he fell for the brazilian women meme

>the retarded spics are trying their hardest to destroy it
Spics yes, hues no, we preserve our forests better than the vast majority of the world.

>The developed cities in the south
fucking KEK. Do people unironically believe this shit because the south is "white"? it's a shithole mate, maybe not as bad as the northeast, but it's still a shithole below any 1st world (and SP) country.

for the """women"""

only in some pardo regions

What is you don't speak Portuguese? Isn't that a massive cock block? Personally I know a few Brazilians here and they are bros. I do think your Pardas are sexy.

So the entirity of Brazil?
