Daily Reminder

>You will never experience teenage love in 50s America

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Good because it wasn't uncommon for girls to date multiple guys at the same time back then.

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>can only fuck after marrying her


1950s America is never coming back. Instead we get today's West.

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>1950s America is never coming back.
Thank God.


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If only the soviets had won the cold war.

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I'm driven by a need to try and continue the dream of the 50s

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Reminder that gender roles in the 50s were extremely strict for guys and most of you would be bullied relentlessly for being mathy nerds.

>bullied relentlessly for being mathy nerds.

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good. maybe fewer men would be sitting on their laptops all day spamming about bbc and america memes.

I think both russia and america miss facing each other's earlier forms.


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>I'll never have to drive 30 minutes on a back street to find another man on the side of the street
>I'll never have to risk my public standing by clandestinely going to THAT bar in town
>I'll never worry that after i beat the shit outta a homophob that he'll come back with thirty guys and burn my house down

Feels pretty good not gonna lie

>I think both russia and america miss facing each other's earlier forms.
I think Russia in 50s was a shithole, and Americans was a good guys, but today American ideology are worse than soviet communism.

China will hopefully rebuff america and wake americans up to actually try and not be fat, disgusting slobs and our government to dial back on retarded intervention

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>I'll never worry that after i beat the shit outta a homophob

Yeah, I'm sure your faggy ass does that daily.

Post-War Soviet Russia was cool as fuck. Plus Stalin was based.

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My gay brother is 6' 4" and has beaten homophobic illegals in cali to bloody pulps numerous times.

modern Russia is a disgrace

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same thing as now

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I'll admit I haven't really done it since college. But theres this funny thing when you become an adult that you get to choose who your surround yourself with. So it's more due to a lack of targets

It was very socially acceptable back then though since they didn't fuck. Like you would go on a date with a girl and then she might go on a date with another guy from your school the next day. It was pretty brutal and women held all the cards.

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God damn you are naive

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Keep posting more of these


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I never experienced teenage love

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You know, ads, TV and music are not correct or accurate depictions of the realities of life. They're not, and they weren't so in the 50s either. America's greatest strength was its ability to fascinate and charm foreigners through cultural exports. Now it's all but gone and even they are slowly waking up to how awful their country is.

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>frat daterapists above
>students looking for equality below

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The memes are designed to appeal to suburbanite white boys like pic related, not real people.

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I guess dating never meant being exclusive because now it's the same thing except they fuck after 3 dates or whatever normies want it to be. Anyways women are annoying I'm supposed to buy this girl a gift just because it's her birthday today and she wanted me to get her one. Haven't even thought what to get her.

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What war was this Guatemala bro?

It's the 1954 coup

If you asked me right now if I wanted to continue living in the present or give it all up and live the prime of my life in the 50s and 60s I would abso-fuckin-lutely go back and wouldn't think twice (caveat: have to stay white)

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>caveat: have to stay white

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Call me a coward then

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What’s up with the 1950s obsession?

Newshit boomers bringing their autism with them, and zoomers who think that if only they were back in the good ol' days where life looked like on of those coca cola commercials and dem niggers knew their place, they'd be able to get laid.

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The 50s were objectively better than today

why you so butthurt? I am not even American

You'd be an incel even then, you piece of garbage.

The 50s wasn’t the adverts you see

You’re perception is pretty romanticized man. And I understand you think you’d be more likely to get a qt if you lived during that time

I like clothes of those times, cars, art deco and googie

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You would get beaten up every day, faggot

Why don't you just do what I did and ask people who were alive then what it was like, they say good and bad things but mostly good. World's gone to shit, it might get better but odds seem against that

>tfw you will never be a Chachyan fucking kaccaps up defending your homeland from the subhuman hordes of mordor.


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>they say good and bad things but mostly good
I know people who grew up and lived in Stalin's Russia and they say that there was good, bad, but mostly good. It's how old people's brains work you dumb fucking faggot.

I'll never impose 70s violence in Italy and that's what bothers me.

>Thinking they actually followed that rule