Are you going to the 2020 Olympics?

I am not.
I don't like Japanese people.
They are like aliens to me.
I don't like how they look like.
I don't like how they think and behave.
I don't like how they talk.
I don't like their food.

I like NOTHING about them, NOTHING!

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never trust the yellow man


They are not even human.
They are soulless mongoloid insects.

before i clicked on this thread i was convinced i would see a korean flag
i'm impressed

we dont make these threads
it's usually the japs who sperg out

Didn't you say you were leaving this site?

I am on August 31st

i love the olympics and it'd be an excuse to see tokyo. probably too expensive for me though

This whole Olympics shit is all about how some politicians and companies with strong ties with those politicians make money out of it.
So fuck them, and I hope we will fail miserably.

are you going to set them on fire by any chance?

Nah, I don't have to do anything.
Considering how they will treat volunteers, they will just fail.

i see
whats your opinion on japan?

>how they look like

Tickets to the events are pretty much sold out. When they first released them for sale online in Canada, they sold out in a matter of hours, a complete contrast to the shitshow that was Brazil 2016. Tokyo 2020 will be a big success due to the high demand-they could fill every seat just with Japanese spectators. Hopefully, I was able to pick up tickets to 3 medalling events.

Enjoy being murdered by japs .

Japanese are very similar to finns culturally though

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This, if they are just a bunch of soulless beings what are you going to give to Satan when you sacrifice them in your zinagoges? Absolute nothing, useless and aggressive chinks

they arr rook same

you are not aliens to us like OP says

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Go sell drugs pedro you smelly brown indian.
It is the only thing your people are good at.

What did he mean by this?

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japan is pretty cool with child porn but i can't afford the tickets lol

a chingchong ling long to you as well, my mongol friend

Don't listen to him Japan friend.


I'm going to watch the climbing event

Attached: kai crimps (2).webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

Good. Do not come. Tokyo is very busy.

I don't want to come takashi yamamoto!

I hate asia and asian people like you!

What did the Jews learn in the gas chamber?