Why is she so smug? Why most women these days have this expression in daily life

Why is she so smug? Why most women these days have this expression in daily life

It reminds me of people who think they know everything but they dont fucking know shit and when you point them out that they dont know shit they tell you "I know. I know sweetie"

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Why shouldn't she be smug? Everyone's hailing her as the new messiah for spouting low-effort alarmist platitudes.

If I got those results, I'd be pretty fucking smug about it.

shes the smartest woman alive so stfu bitch


>tfw no environmentalist daughter

>Why is she so smug?


they always do. Theythink they are superior to men because men can onlt be brought out by women.

everyone around her agrees with her. builds up her ego.

my wife

She's like 7 years old and just made 3.4 million dollars in this past 11 months, id be smugt too

why are you so triggered by a teenager?
PS have sex

>can't fly since that kills the climate
>have to go on an uncomfortable sailboat to get to America
>five guys fly to America to sail it home

You can't make this shit up.

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>the face of an old granny
>at a juvenile age
What the fuck is wrong with Nordic Genes

Imagine being born a woman in modern day Europe. Even before you learned how to read, people have been telling you that women are awesome, women are strong, women are smart, etc. You've probably never heard someone say anything bad about your sex, and if you did, it was made clear to you that the person was wrong and on the wrong side of history.

Imagine growing up in a world where you're not a bad person simply for being born the wrong sex, and you're actually allowed to say and do whatever you want, because nobody can tell you what to do. Any slightly positive thing you do, becomes a great feat of intelligence and courage, and a step forward for humankind. Any time you fail, it's not your fault, it's society's fault for being sexist against you.

Everyone around you supports you in any way they can, but at the same time, everyone tells you that society is holding you back and thus you deserve even more praise, and even more help. Do you feel embarrassed, trying to imagine that? Like you know you're not that awesome and you don't deserve to be treated so nicely? Well, now consider that women don't feel the slightest hint of embarrassment about this. They seriously believe that they're the oppressed sex, and that they're better than men, and that society as a whole would greatly improve if only women were given more power. That's why they're so smug.

Source: none found

Really? Because that shit was all over the news a few days ago.

I have no idea who this cunt is

It's actually normal for crew to fly over to deliver/race a boat.

t. yacht crew

It is, but in this case is just stupid to claim that she is doing it for environmental reasons, it's pure propaganda

She’s 16 so she’s probably a know it all like most teenagers

Anyway she’s basically being used as a puppet by her handlers

Yeah, I know that. I also know how quickly boats like this shed parts, and how much embodied energy is in the production of them.

Basically, even without the crew flying out, and assuming you discount all naval safety services which necessitate the use of fuel, just on embodied energy alone; sailing produces more carbon emissions than passenger aircraft.

For each human mile returned, that race boat will take more emissions to construct, maintain, and ultimately dismantle, than each human mile returned from an aircraft with hundreds of seats.

She's an absolute fucking retard, and so are all her supporters.

Just foundout who this cunt was because of paul joseph watson.

White women more than any other group of females abuse hard drugs and alcohol the most. She’s probably doing lines of coke every week


Fetal alcoholic syndrome, my lad

>Why most women these days have this expression in daily life
I think you're seeing things m8

I'd be smug in her position desu

Imagine my shark


Sexual intellectual = fucking know it all’s.


She is based

>There are anons who wouldn't would this browsing this thread

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I would wouldn't that

The storm sank her in the end? Or she is still alive?

>Is 16
>Looks 12

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That's always great desu

Thanks for the boner, user


Ghluuurrghjjbhhhhhhh stop polluting

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She's an emotionally stunted zoomer but also an ugly girl (very tough when they are young) and autistic.

Seethe more. You will NEVER have been bullied and suffocated by her to the point of near losing consciousness with your penis blocked by cock-cage finnanon.

>all those noses
oy vey!

Spotted the pignose from the plains


It is rude to bully the disabled people. She did not choose her face this way. Her mother chose to drink alcohol while pregnant.