/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

shitposting edition

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hell i could eat

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i could eat hell

what would /cum/ be like if Jow Forums were not a worksafe board

Attached: anonplz.jpg (719x1280, 244K)

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my dream gf

Attached: toastie.jpg (1069x756, 107K)

why are minorities so fond of hate speech???

Attached: hatefulminorities.png (1352x1225, 1.95M)

I give up
I wish someone would shoot me

bang bang

Attached: redhead.jpg (1600x982, 677K)

well youre in the right country

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looks like bailey jay lmao

if she had a cock that'd make her infinitely hotter

dumb retard bigot programmers forgot to tell the AI that only wypipo can commit hate speech crimes

/cum/ is horny tonight

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pretty gay though

Attached: thadick.jpg (400x436, 46K)

Attached: why-does-every-art-hoe-look-like-this-im-13578899.png (500x566, 151K)


and thats a good thing

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Why did they ban .50 BMG in cali? It's unfair

Art hoes look disgusting without makeup

Artists look beautiful without makeup

I can help you but you should either pay me for a round trip ticket to the US (I have valid visa don't worry) or you can visit russia yourself

>art hoes look disgusting*

delete, art hoes are perfect unless they're f*t

Well the infamous 13% are known to be the worst offenders. Nothing new

just did an awake

Apparently said some awful things to my mother when i was drunk.
I'm even more of a piece of shit than i thought.

old school planes are cool

Attached: ECiY6IoUEAAwRPo[1].jpg (1199x800, 161K)

today i fapped 5 times

i wish i got more talkative while drunk
only proves i'm braindead

Impressive, thanks for sharing.

my friend says im a very loud drunk

because many white liberals typically ignore that shit due to no ingroup bias

need a russian gf

>art hoes are perfect

t. someone who has never known or met an art hoe

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Better to say too little than too much, can't un-ring a bell and all that.

Not expecting less from /cum/

perfect looks wise, personality wise they're fun but exhausting and usually way too slutty

>perfect looks wise

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>The classifier trained on Davidson et al. (2017)
shows the largest disparities in Experiment 1, with
tweets in the black-aligned corpus classified as
hate speech and offensive language at substantially higher rates than white-aligned tweets. We
expect that this result occurred for two reasons.
First, the dataset contains a large number of cases
where AAE is used (Waseem et al., 2018). Second, many of the AAE tweets also use words like
“n*gga” and “b*tch”, and are thus frequently associated with the hate speech and offensive classes,
resulting in “false positive bias” (Dixon et al.,

Imagine thinking nigga is hate speech


any regular girl would be made 2 points hotter by adapting the art hoe aesthetic, this is proven scientific fact sweetie

WHAT? You've never played tuber simulator?

>be fat
>do all your clothes shopping at hot topic, spenzers, or just wear overalls
>get a nose piercing
>dye your hair

factually wrong

just take a look at Jow Forums

>be fat
except the girl was fat to begin with so she would never be hot either way, i'm talking about regular cute girls that are a bit plain but cute, that's where the improvement lies, from a 6 to an 8

anyone wanna go to the bar with me
dont want to be that loser

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What's your height people?

where you at, nerd

yeah why not
I'll buy you a beer or two

not giving my info to your database, Putin

I will fuck all women

5 feet 9 inches AVERAGE male height


>AVERAGE male height

Attached: 1553263186409.jpg (1200x654, 90K)

6'4 king of manlets

fuck off placer come down here already
cum over ivan

Don't be that paranoid.

it's obvious your people all feel this way considering some of the """women""" i see mexican dudes with

you never told me where here was

Nice, I'm a mere 6'1" (185cm) manlet. :\


>cum over
over where

just one inch shorter than the average

Are you higher than an average guy? In the NL people are tall as hell. All guys from Serbia I've met were good 5-8" higher than me.

As a man, how can I sell my body for sex?

king of /cum/


Taller than average, but there are many guys i see at the same/slightly higher height.

It's not often that I see someone that is significantly taller.

a gay bar

try sucking cawk

you know where
search deep inside
go where your heart leads you

its where all the asians are, right?

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q: ching chong?

a: ding dong!

how the fuck did he get away with this

is that actually the answer or just an onomatopoeia

back in bowie's day you could make jokes and nobody cared. now the libtards get all furious cause they have no sense of humor.

fun fact: bowie also fucked a 14 year old and took her virginity

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she was 15 you liar

haven't poo in 4 days

should hurry to the loo

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>When scientists made up names for the animals, they used the Greek word sauros, which means “lizard.” In fact, the term dinosaur is a combination of the Greek words deinos (“terrible”) and sauros, so it means “terrible lizard.”

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Soros isn't actually a bad dude

t. Soros

>(((Soros isn't actually a bad dude)))


Soros has good intentions and actually cares about people tbqh

go away, Soros

Soros? big fan


>just one inch shorter than the average

two inches actually

Attached: us-avg-height.png (984x201, 10K)

>175.9 All Americans
oh no no no no