If you were placed in a comfy Norwegian prison cell and had a decent computer with fast internet...

If you were placed in a comfy Norwegian prison cell and had a decent computer with fast internet, would your life actually be that much different?

Attached: norwegianprison.jpg (900x1200, 141K)

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would be an improvement

No, it would be better. I don't go out that much anyway nor do I have any connections outside.

>decent computer
>fast internet

would be an improvement

don't forget the bonus of crazy women being all over your dick cause you're a killer

That looks like a vast improvement to how I live.

I yearn to live an extremely reclusive life free from the pressure and responsibility of the normal world expecting you to be a productive member of society and shit. I would love this

What percentage of Norwegian prisons are non-native?

That would be a huge improvement. What's the easiest way to get into a Norwegian prison?

Where do I sign?

Better and wider than my toom. They are really fucking rich.

I would stab and gut my cellmate and the guards, American style

Remember when breivik claimed to be living under inhumane conditions because he only had a ps2 in his cell lel

Would be better as I wouldn't have to worry about money.

wtf This is actually comfy and even if people who are not criminals would be there, they can benefit from it.

Lol at all those fucking delusional comments

Fucking westerners

America's justice system is an abject failure, obviously you can't just uproot Norway's system and use it in America, they're very different countries. But it's not surprising that people want things to change.

Considering I dont bave to work yes.

Michael Moore documentaries are full of lies and misrepresentation.
I saw the film extracts where he is in France, it's bullshit.

I don't know anything about the mutt shit but simply these spoiled and wealthy liberal ideologues are fucking clueless about their moral compasses and misunderstand human rights due to their wealthy as fuck life

I'm liberal and will never side with right wings and polack kids but really I can't understand these spoiled western liberals anymore

holy shit is this real??? just when i thought when your country couldn't be any more cucked...

absolute hell. would freak and kill myself after a few days when i realise im not getting out of there in years.

Yeah, Michael Moore doesn't really look trustworthy.

lol my brother pays ~£750 a month for a room smaller than this in London

(I pay ~£450 for a room triple this size in Cardiff :^))


Wow if you become a criminal you get free food, housing ect all for free meanwhile I have to pay for that with job.

that would be heaven

>he's proud of renting not owning
absolute zoomer

truly, we live in a society

Yeah he’s a complete spindoctor. Bowling for Columbine is still kino though

In Germany, they only get to spend a limited time online, under constant surveillance, not in their room and they can't watch adult content. I suppose it's similar in Norway.

no open internet. only a very restrictet intranet to use under education with pre approved content and no way to contact the outside world. pure search and read only.

>ahhhhh i suffer living a comfy NEET life because I killed someone tl

Fuck sakes criminals should all be shot sharia law SOON.

I'm 21 mate probably never gonna have a house

Attached: 1535094204295.jpg (719x825, 90K)

Then we are actually more liberal than you in this regard.


No internet or mobilephones are allowed in prisons here.

You are allowed to make calls now and then and use the prison pc to read news sometimes

If I fly to Norway, renounce my US citizenship, and rape a Norwegian qt, would I get this?

No probably just life in prison and the killed by a polish mad man

Breivik didn't get a life sentence and his cell is comy af, so you're telling me it would work?

Sikring means life in prison. 21 years is just a meme. Now cope

Life in comfy NEET cell with free food and no rent sounds good though


If you just come here to rape then the judge will think you are a incel freakshow waco and then you will get sikring. Enjoy your sikring and your new polish "friends" kek

You receive food in american prisons too

It's all fun and games until you're raped with a knife handle and forced to convert to Islam

23/7 locked upn in that cell with nothing more than a tv with one channel is the NEET dreamlife? you would all go crazy and bang your heads against the wall within a week your not fooling anyone.

A dutch person died after only one week in our prison some years ago.
Was it too much luxus?

Yes. Its like finishing college and being a succesful businessman here. Help me.

speaking from experience?

is this the famous 4channel humor i've been hearing about? how do i upvote here?



>this is comfy

Attached: 82bba3a8-1857-42b2-aa32-d4290f679e17.jpg (652x435, 29K)

You have to individually reply to each post you wanna upvote by saying "this", "/thread" or "based"

It would be a healthier environment for me.