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>What was the last time you got rejected
3 days ago, but i feel that i could now take a rejection more easily

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Never, I have only rejected others.

t. Virgin

i soft rejected my gf from sex when i was 16
will always regret it

February this year

Never fully recovered from it so I just avoid thinking about it, always hits like a truck when I remember again

Was yours rude? dont pay it much mind, theres more fish in the ocean!

literally never

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You can't get rejected if you don't socially interact.

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In march....

Never because I didn't express my feelings when I was in love with a girl from my class.
t. 24kv

you miss every shot you dont take

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She almost instantly replied with "no" and grinned as she said so. She was holding back laughter.

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It's ok, it won't happen again

Never. Dating leads to s*x before marriage, and that is a massive sin.

never, never got in a relationship because thats gay

my shots have no effect so no point


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Never got rejected because I have never confessed before.

You are not cute


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she grinned because she was flattered, she probably gloated about it to her female friends.
as great as she might seem be, she's not worth your time and effort

Over ten years ago, after that I've only had internet larp relationships.
I regret nothing.

Some weeks ago
>Be me in Tinder
>Match with a girl 40 km from me. Average looking but has something I like
>She starts talking
>Conversation flows and we switch to Insta
>After I talk to her on Insta she replies with "yes haha" and nothing else happens
>Stops following me after a while


>Average looking
she probably had 10 conversations at once and decided that you werent the priority

Im sorry anõn

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nice digits

>she grinned because she was flattered
I had known her for 3 years and I'm pretty sure that grin wasn't a "flattered" grin

>she probably gloated about it to her female friends
I'm not particularly handsome or popular so I doubt she would, she instinctively told me she'd keep it a secret

>as great as she might seem be, she's not worth your time and effort
I know, I didn't think it would work out and didn't expect a relationship to come out of it. It was our last year together so I just thought I'd yolo it, we used to be extremely close so I just asked her if, during all of these 3 years, she ever had feelings for me.

I didn't want to get into a relationship with her and I let her know of it before asking. I've given up on relationships.

Sad but true. While an average girl (not even a hot one) can have lots of pretenders, this is impossible to imagine with an average guy. And if you add this to the fact that many girls repress themselves because of public opinion, feminism and more factors...the situation is fucked.

Anyway if she was not interested I don't know why she proceed to continue on Instagram.

same reason that you can have hundreds of matches on tinder if you set it to male, but if you set it to female, barely any will respond to a mere "hello" even if you match with them

cant be rejected if you never ask

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Well why did you give up? Girls don't bite you know.

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give up ? I never tried so nothing to give up on

I know this kinda, but there is still no use.

She clearly ignored me. After her "yes haha" I sent another message to see if she continued the convo but she didn't.

im probably the most autistic in the peninsula

2 years ago, I don't bother trying anymore.


All I want is a weeb bf I have a lot of tastes in common with

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>I'm not particularly handsome or popular so I doubt she would, she instinctively told me she'd keep it a secret
you have no idea. I'm as average as you can get plus I'm a manlet and until recently was also a huge faillure of a person. Still, I had girls interested in me once in a while (mostly people who I had to work with, because I'm antisocial as fuck), and the main reason I currently have gf is because she did everything she could so that I wouldn't disapear as I generaly do.
women work diferently from us, they see positive things were we don't notice anything of value. Another important thing is that our women are not representative of women in general, in that they are taught to be as hard to get as possible which actually works against them half the time.
With the recent influx of brasilians there are far more accessible women, even though they are weird, they tend to be far more reasonable when it comes to relationships. Just don't seek quick sex with them, because the kind of person into that might not be up your alley