This scares whypipo

this scares whypipo

Attached: sole.jpg (300x300, 15K)


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Can confirm, all white tourists I see in my city always wear black sunglasses, and look like a shrimp, completely red/pink from sunburnt.

This gives wypipo money/energy thanks to his massive brain and creative sense*

Attached: 46297492.jpg (2120x1414, 2.22M)

God's punishment for wh*Toids

more like to the chinese

Invented by wypipo i meant. And still, even in France or in Germany these can be valuable onto your rooftop

solar panels pollute more than petrol

batteries were invented by an italian

Pollute, in which sense ? If you talk about greenhouse gaz then it depends on the way you manufacture them. If you talk about chemical elements leaked in the nature then we don't enrich solar cells with arsenic anymore.

A lombard*

So an Italian

Imagine living in country that doesn't have summer all year. Must be a pain to set up your solar modules in winter.

>Imagine living in country that doesn't have summer all year.
Thanks for the boner


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A lombard*

Literally an Italic Italian

Literallly a lombard. Why does it bother

wypipo be like these UVB rays too spicy

>The pl*in of gigalarp
Literally Italian

Unironically true. It's only 12 degrees outside but 2 hours without sunscreen and I burn like a Jew in hell.

Oh so you actually think that italians are from the same ethnicity. Interesting

Attached: Principal_Component_Analysis_of_the_Italian_population.png (897x897, 198K)

Oh so you actually think the northern plain is not Italic, interesting
Do you even know the difference between autosomal dna, y-dna and culture? It's pretty big

do you actually have sun in iceland?

Nice hyper-shit pca you got there btw

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Autosomal dna and y-dna is linked to culture if you havent noticed. I simply precised that Volta was a lombard, which is true. You tried to make a point involving italia. Ok, yes, he's italian, but he's lombard, more precisely. You know, guyanese are french as well. But we call them guyanais, because that's where they come from, french Guyane. There are sardinians, there are lombards. Simple as

Why were you so triggered by me calling Lombards Italian?
Was one of you ancestors a separationist plaincuck who left it?

Is a fifth generation Nigerian man with I1 y-dna as Germanic as a Dane anyway?

No no no. Here exactly, you are the one triggered, not me. Project as you want from there but backpedaling is a better choice imo. I don't have a single italian ancestor as far I know
>Is a fifth generation Nigerian man with I1 y-dna as Germanic as a Dane anyway?
No ?

I just stated a fact with 3 words
The only one screeching I see here is you, trying to imply Lombards are not Italian

It's not like buzzwords make you look clever anyway, but I won't stop you from spamming them

>The only one screeching I see here is you, trying to (You)
>imply Lombards are not Italian
Great imagination, must be italian trait.
>It's not like buzzwords make you look clever anyway, but I won't stop you from spamming them
Now resorting to insult, great path my transalpine brother.

>Great imagination, must be italian trait.
Amazing argument there
>Now resorting to insult, great path my transalpine brother.
Point out one (1) insult in what you just quoted

Damn, the strawmanning is strong while trying to save face on a mongolian basket weaving board

this scares blapipo

Attached: pacific-ocean.jpg (892x892, 360K)

>Amazing argument there
What can I do otherwise ? Tell you that now it's wrong ? And then ? Volta is Lombard, I precised it, end of story, everything else is pure speculation.
>Point out one (1) insult in what you just quoted
>It's not like buzzwords make you look clever
This literally means that buzzwords make me the opposite of smart, this is an insult
>Damn, the strawmanning is strong while trying to save face on a mongolian basket weaving board
I just precised that he was a lombard, it's a fact, a statement

>What can I do otherwise ? Tell you that now it's wrong ? And then ? Volta is Lombard, I precised it, end of story, everything else is pure speculation.
Nice argument
As expected
>This literally means that buzzwords make me the opposite of smart, this is an insult
This sounds very racist of you
>I just precised that he was a lombard, it's a fact, a statement
Yeah, that was totally the strawman, got me

I see that all those immigrants we are gifting you daily really are quickly dropping everyone's iq there, nice

Any climate that doesn't have distinct seasons is shit.

>Nice argument
Since the beginning of our discord you place yourself as the judge on argument's quality, go on, show me why you can boast about it, what gives you that special autority, and why you don't go ad rem like I do. I thought you'd be able to emulate ?
>Yeah, that was totally the strawman, got me
>I see that all those immigrants we are gifting you daily really are quickly dropping everyone's iq there, nice
Another contemptuous intervention. Why are you so impolite ? Just because I remembered everyone that Alessandro Volta, inventor of electrochemical battery was a Lombard ?
Why are you so angry over this fact ?

Took you a lot writing that, too bad I won't even read it

Of course it does, a giant ball of lava 79 trillion times the size of earth is hovering above our heads

Made me laugh more than anything else tbf, this confirms you're an impolite individual and I might be right since the beginning
>inb4 tldr
Hmmmmm. Smells like.... rhetorical victory