Why is Italy the smartest country in Europe?

Why is Italy the smartest country in Europe?

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you must be smart to survive in a place where everyone is trying to outscam the other

ashkenazi jew flood


Non-white blood.



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Lmao it should be no data, there's no way P*rtuguese monkeys can count to 80.

>tfw no italian gf

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I'm a dummy

I saw the classification that says we are thinnest people in europe lol but fuck no. Total BS

oh no no no

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you clearly have not been abroad

I actually believe that one much more than the IQ one, we are thin compared to n*rtherner wurstplanets

Every Italian was blonde-haired and blue-eyed though. Southern Europeans are literally blonder than Western Europeans.

I bring the average up by a solid 5 points

How come Babyboomer Portuguese see no value in education, let alone college? All the ones in the US want their sons to go into construction or daughters become house cleaners. I never seen a more brain dead ethnic group.

No I have. Its you never been to abroad

I might also add that I vote PD

she has cancer

same bro

Me dumbo

That's total bullshit

you have clearly never ever left your village if you think we are fat


Berlin ist dragging down our score i assume.

dumb kraut

this one? yes Italian data is self-reported, and from 2009

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Stupid autocorrect.

This is the only correct answer

It's those tiny European portions fit for starving African children that keeps them so skinny

Italian plays badminton? I thought it was only popular in Asia

Because we vote PD.

They cheat on their IQ-tests just like they cheat when paying taxes.

They're really thin, i've been there. Greeks are the fat ones. Italians are thin

salty snownigger

Not paying taxes is the most high IQ thing you can do

uuuuhhhhhhh.... uuuuuuuhhhhhhh.....

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Lying is an art too refined and sophisticated for a snowbeast like you to understand

>Lying is good

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We're the only ones who see through the EU scam apparently, so probably yes

It's part of Italian culture be respectful Hans please

It's not. But it's good when I trigger the giants from the north with it

They are irrelevants
Hardly giants

So that's why the majority of biz in argie land are tax evaders.
Italians ruined my Spanish culture-based country

They're giants because they're fucking tall, not because they're relevant

Lol I tought you mean their irrelavant countries

>Lying is not as sin
>What's the eight commandment?

It was a study in Istria only. South Italians have MENA levels of IQ

Bullshit, neapolitans are the smartest lettore in the world

neapolitans are so samrt they can steal your underwear and you wouldn't notice

>german reading comprehension
No, it's not (a good thing). Lying is no good. You got it now?

smarter than you achmed

most recent female gold medallist is from spain i believe

Your map is wrong, Finland is the smartest country in Europe.

True. But why is that so ? Smaller t level ? Cold ? Asian admixture ? Better ed. system ?

Big ooof

>Italia 101+
sure mate

Wtf is wrong with Serbia?

DAMN! Med girls look like THAT?
Jow Forums faggots have been lying to me all this time...

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All of those reasons except we have high test

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You were a bit pusillanimous. I think you guys are the smartest in the world

Brunettes > blondes

Why italy so based?

that's pretty impressive with all the Somali & Iraqi subhumans you got

How does one even cheat on IQ tests? It's not like you can write the answers on paper slips

By "It's an art" you didn't mean it's good? At least to me, this word has a strongly positive connotation.

thats because nation IQ tests are not actually based on directly measured IQ but estimated from school performance

there are actual IQ tests representative for countries, the thing is that they have to be normalized to a population and it's "more difficult" to compare them across countries, languages, time, etc.

what am I supposed to be seeing here

Everything can be an art. Lying masterfully and convincingly, although morally reprehensible, is nonetheless an impressive ability that has to be cultivated with passion and dedication to become higly refined