Why are Bosnians so much more whiter than Greeks, Italians and the Spanish?

Why are Bosnians so much more whiter than Greeks, Italians and the Spanish?

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Don't look white to me

Satan genes

They have the purest Illyrian blood.

they're further away from you and north africa

Because greeks are turks and turks are greeks.
Italians are spanish and spaniards are italic.

American education

Croatian genes

They're not. Even Croatians are quite swarthy

Southern italians are actually greeks who in turn are actually turks.

Greeks and Turks confirmed Spanish

We call italians, french, spaniards and greeks gypsies here

Silvio, quit dicking north afrikang lolis and give back south tyrol.

We call Croatians niggers here

Left girl is very beautiful. Right is not, very standard look among Northern and Eastern Europeans.

Also to add, Bosniaks are literally muslim croatians, they have like 2% mena dna on average but are mostly european

Make me

Because we're cute af

I dont really care tbqh

We don't think about you at all

We never think about Yugoslavs.

Good for you

They definitely aren't White.

No, there's simply no way to twist the truth to make that statement true. Southern Italians on the other hand ARE Greek.

They look like Pashtuns or something. Completely alien to Whites.

WRONG, we are JEWS
get your facts straight goy

FUCK user, why did you have to blow the cover?

and you are a gypsy, right?

Pretty much

Then you know what must be done, don't stray from the plan we must crush the head of the serpent.

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Croatians are Catholic Serbians. Bosniaks seem to be their own thing.

Bosnia was called Turkish Croatia, and by genetics they are us
As for croatians being serbs, it is literally the other way around
Serbs are mutts of greeks, croatians, albanians and vlachs

Do you guys speak the same language?

Yes, although Croatians dont speak the official language at home, we use our own dialects

All Slavs are Russians or descended from Russians.


Did you mean Adriatic Italy?

Venice is not shitaly, kys goblin

>Be roach
>Dress up in 'special clothes'
>Get your tiny peenus weenus hacked up in front of your family


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Isn't Adriatic Italy, you know, actual Italy?


Exactly! Croatia is Italy
Glad you agree

Stfu whitey. I'm a proud BLACK BVLL

Bosniaks are Muslim Serbs. You are Catholic Serbs. Only Austrians called Bosnia "Turkish Croatia".

Why are you so pathetic? Everyone else ditched their oppressors religion and yet you remain cucked. Have you no shame?

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I am an Orthodox Serb you dumb abbo