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Hail hitler

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Hail Satan.


A disgusting paki shia mutt in my thread? I do not think so

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>this kills the Salafi

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Majoos love to throw that word around, you should use Sunni instead since that's more accurate.

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>IP range still blocked
>Am forced to use mobile data
Final post ITT, don't let the underage weebs take over.

>urduni's final plea
what do you do in this situation?

They prefer "Wahhabi".

>be you
>sell all your oil to America
>recognise Israel since all your military expeditions fail terribly
>work with them constantly
>call others DonkeysOfYahood
Absolute state of Sal*fists

>peace in the middle east
When Russia the US and multiple other countries or organizations profit from from the fact that there's no peace there's not going to be peace

True. CIAniggers have their roots in the region. We may never see peace within our lifetimes.

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As salamu alaykum

wa alaykum al-salaam

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>be you
>get funded by Israel as an ally against Saddam
>never conquer a single piece of Israel
>be touted as false opposition
>be "anti-Zionist", but are completely okay with jews as long as they aren't Zionist
Absolute state of Majoos.

توردوني بلاش خره-بوستينج بليز

مين انتي؟ :DDD

Hell o
Why are these guys hitler saluting , who are they ?

hello, lebnon

Hello , are you the palastinian ?


Long time no see brother
Where is everyone

no idea.
i made a /mena/ thread earlier today that got archived not 50 posts in. lel.

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله خان شيخون تسقط للنظام و البلدات جنوبها تقع تحت حصار

hiyah leb-user

This is Rial Al Assad. He was a Colonel in the Syrian army before he defected to the opposition. He has since then lost command of the Free Syrian Army, lost a leg and called ISIS a temporary group which ironically outlived his own Free Syrian Army. Say something nice about him

كس ام الاردن
كس ام بلج*كي
كس ام اللوايطه
كس ام الزنوج
كس ام الجانيز
كس ام اليهود
كس ام الغرب
كس ام كارهي الانمي
كس ام الجينيرلز

!!!/و كس ام /مينا

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Sad, the situation in syria is honestly lost, all LARP aside, we can say that assad "won", of course militarily speaking, in reality he won nothing, he is now a russian puppet that rules over rubble, and he still has to deal with kurds, he of course deserves this due to being an alawite loving cuck, curse his father for bringing him into power.

Hello , sorry for late replay
Hello mister

>كس ام الزنوج
Self hate is not healthy, you should learn to love yourself.

post dead mutts

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At least he'll take a little less longer in showers now that he lost a leg. Less water will be wasted. Good for the environment, especially in such an arid area like the Middle East.

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By that you mean dead americans?


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nice /sg/ memes k*rd, you do realize assad will slaughter the kurds right?

Hey, Sudanon. How's Sudan?

What's exactly funny about this? you know SyAF and russia have been bombing and striking idlib for months now, right?

>Israel isn't afraid of you you're false opposition swear
>US and USSR both funded Saddam which somehow means they are allies
>just ignore how Israel is very actively trying to get America to fight Israel
>never get conquered by Israel while Jordaniggers get cucked swaths of land taken
>I don't care if Jews are Ahl Ul Kitab and need to be given dhimmi status we should do le epic genocide XD
Why are Anti Shias so delusional?

Why would israel ever be afraid of iran though? iran is a joke militarily speaking, they only flex for the world to see, pathetic honestly, and they want us to believe they have nukes lol.

I actually got that one on Jow Forums from a thread aaages ago.
>assad will slaughter the kurds right?
We'll see, I doubt it though. There's already been successful reconciliation efforts in some of the SDF controlled villages.

Yeah, i'm sure the americans will just abandon their bases and let the kurds put down their weapons and join syria lmao, stop acting like a geopolitical expert, kurd diaspora.

Democracy and nationalism isn't compatible with people who put religion above everything. As long as their Sharia is in place nothing else matters. I personally don't care about Democracy but you guys were claiming to fight for it but then it lost it novelty and you guys just went back to the good ol' Nusra
and that's a bad thing?
1. Hezbollah is funded by XYZ and had more or less success against Israel so one with an IQ of above 50 can realize that maybe whoever is funding them could also be a threat to us
2. you're underaged get out of here

Don't respond to t*rduni , let him bark alone

Fuck anime, fuck manga, fuck otakus, fuck weebs and fuck nips.

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Iran is by far the most effective regional power in the Middle East. Its conventional military is okay but it's proxies have very regular victories against almost all others. Hezbollah is the only militia that could even put up a fight against Israel and other than Hamas is the only one willing to take the fight to them. Even the US admits that while their conventional military would BTFO Iran in a normal fight they would be severely hampered if the tactics shifted to unconventional hit and run warfare.

>and that's a bad thing?
The answers depends on who you ask, but you did not ask the right question, he was laughing, as if this was somehow a funny thing, not only it's not funny, it has been happening for a very long time now, posting it now makes him look like a complete idiot.
>1. Hezbollah is funded by XYZ and had more or less success against Israel so one with an IQ of above 50 can realize that maybe whoever is funding them could also be a threat to us

oh yeah hezbollah stronk tel aviv by 2020, shut the fuck up
>you're underaged
aren't you 19 you kurd mutt?

he is seething at /sg/ now

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>n-no Khan Sheikhoun will not fall I swear!!
This was (You) a few days ago, and look where we are.

Go choke on some laban or something, hezbolshaytan.

>Hezbollah is the only militia that could even put up a fight against Israel
Stop saying this, hezbollah is a total joke and israel could wipe them out of existence if they want to, your idiocy is painful to witness, houthis are losing in yemen, the only success iran has is in iraq and syria in terms of proxies, and if a war were to break out between iran and america, america would simply sit back and bomb them to the stone age, but who am i talking to? a deluded paki shia posting on 4channel, so its really pointless.


Memes aside the best thing for Syria is
>a)Kurd autonomous region given more autonomy
>b) More Sunnis hired into administration to ease tensions
>c) decentralised government model to prevent unrest


No such thing.

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>this is seething
you really are underage
>the best thing for syria is
>paki flag

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Hezbollah already proved themselves though and Israel know it's might. it doesn't need your approval and no I'm 21 years old pure Lebanese
I'm not with Hezbollah you fucking brainlet I'm just stating the facts. My perfect Lebanon? One that doesn't interfere in any international conflicts and that's including the Palestinians and Israelis

can you losers fuck off?
if you want to discuss your autism politics go on Jow Forums
there is literally a general for it.

there's a kurd diaspora in /sg/ right now, he's from france, go talk to him maybe you guys get to know each other.
listen here niggy, no matter what your propaganda says hezbollah is a small militant group with little to no real power, and if you somehow thing they pose a threat to israel then you're retarded, sure they inflicted some casualties on israel, they killed some israeli soldiers, but that's it, you make them to be some kind of foe equal to israel, its pathetic and tiring.

Your favorite CIA backed proxies are losing every day. Every day they are losing ground. Time to move on and cope. Also this go shit up /sg/ instead.

>your CIA backed group is bad
>my russia/iran backed group is good

HTS is not backed by america by the way and al-joulani is wanted by the CIA.

Assad is also a Mossad/CIA puppet.
>protects Syrian jews
>apologises to Israel even though they supposedly wanted him assassinated

>houthis are losing in Yemen
>retarded Salafist thinks more land equals winning
Houthis control borderline every important city in Yemen since West Yemen is just a gigantic desert and almost all gains against the Houthis are made by UAE and Southern front one who left the war and the other who is autonomous of the main coalition
>America could bomb them back into the Stone Age
Yeah just like they did with Afghanistan.....oh wait.
>Hezbollah is a total joke
Stay delusional. They've done more damage to Israel then your entire army combined. Also typical of a Salafi to cheer for Zionists and Americans like a pathetic lapdog.

East Yemen is a gigantic desert*

Afghanistan was so because they were a giant militia skilled in guerilla warfare, with a large history of never succumbing to invaders. Iranians are pussies, and are an organised army on the other hand.

>Stay delusional. They've done more damage to Israel then your entire army combined.
how ironic...
>comparing afghanistan with iran
>>retarded Salafist thinks more land equals winning
Yup, you really are retarded, by the way they are actually fucked now, the separatists to the southeast and arab coalition to the south and north, it's over for them.

>your CIA backed group is bad
> my russia/iran backed group is good
This but unironically

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>>protects Syrian jews
As long as they are not powerful and/or zionists, I don't see the problem.
>>apologises to Israel even though they supposedly wanted him assassinated
Actions speak louder than words.

Compare that to the fat that """moderate rebels""" were DIRECTLY funded by the CIA and western fundraiser campaigns, and some were even escorted out of Israel (White Helmets).
See above.

We all know how great armies who underestimate their opponents are especially you guys in 1948 and 1967. At least Israel isn't like that no matter how much you seethe lol. Israel gained new technology since the war and so did Hezbollah. It's gonna be suicide for both of them if they try to do anything Lebanon is gonna be more affected obviously but Israel is still gonna get hit hard.

>As long as they are not powerful and/or zionists, I don't see the problem.
See? This is exactly the mentality that Assadism brings. As long as they're not Zionists, jews are okay. In reality, jews are never okay.

those rather seem like dead Iraqis at the Highway of Death-

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uh oh

Please take this garbage to /sg/.
You can rustle FAR more jimmies there.

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huh? explain yourself, I'm not a casual lurker here.

Being surrounded doesn't matter if your enemy can't make gains. The American coalition lost a major player and the American Congress is vying to stop arm sales. Trump can't save the saudis forever.
>comparing Afghanistan to Iran
Iran is very clearly able to decentralise its forces and almost entirely derives its strength from proxies.

> Yup, you really are retarded, by the way they are actually fucked now, the separatists to the southeast and arab coalition to the south and north, it's over for them.
This is the difference between you and us , in 2006 Israel was the strongest army equipped with the best weapons , while we only had our AK's and some RPGs , and we won
In 2000 said Hassan stood in Bing jbeil and said Israel is weaker than a spiders web , Israel shimmed out after that , in 2006 Israel wanted to enter bint jbeil , and stand in the same place said Hassan stood in and say that Israel is a web of steal , they weren't able to enter
In aita Israelis weren't able to enter despite outnumbering our guys 10 to 1
Do you know what the difference between you and us is now ? , you put your faith in weapons while we put our faith in God , Screencap this if you want , I promise you in the name of God , that Yemen will crush AL saud

also death to burgerland

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>See? This is exactly the mentality that Assadism brings. As long as they're not Zionists, jews are okay. In reality, jews are never okay.
Can you autists please stop LARPing as Jow Forumsniggers? Jews are bad in ME because of Israel. In America and the West they are extremely disproportionately rich but that doesn't matter because to us because they aren't a unified entity. You have your boomer neocon Jews but you also have literal Antifa supporters like Soros. Jews would only be bad here otherwise because they are disbelievers and as far as disbelievers go they are Ahl Ul Kitab.

We're reaching levels of delusions that shouldn't be possible

Can we kill anybody who likes anime or any anime aesthetics? This would fix a shit-ton of our problems.
>Jews are bad in ME because of Israel
Even though they were expelled from Iran (when it was Sunni, mind you), Afghanistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Al-Andalus, etc. for their trickery way before a Zionist state was even established?

>Can we kill anybody who likes anime or any anime aesthetics? This would fix a shit-ton of our problems.
based af

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>inb4 newfags pretending to be oldfags scream about how 4chinz was originally an anime site

We're reaching levels of delusions that shouldn't be possible

>I promise you in the name of God

don't worry, i don't doubt that you have faith, your mind has been consumed by iranian propaganda, you actually think you're in the right, while you're not even a muslim.

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all opinions instantly discarded

Jews were kicked out of MENA recently because of dual loyalty to Israel.
>Iran (when it was Sunni mind you)
Which empire are you speaking of? In the old days any rebellious tribes were regularly exiled. This included Christcucks with dual loyalties. Jews are extremely insular and hoard wealth for themselves but with proper governance that keeps their aristocratic clans in check we have no reason to worry. The Sharia forbids exiling or killing Jews unless they are rebellious.

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>The Sharia
what sharia do you follow? simply asking, am curious, what does a shia infidel think sharia is.

All my examples were specifically chosen from before the 1948 exodus.

>1255, Mongols led by Hulagu Khan invaded parts of Persia, and in 1258 they captured Baghdad putting an end to the Abbasid caliphate.[30] In Persia and surrounding areas, the Mongols established a division of the Mongol Empire known as the Ilkhanate, building a capital city in Tabriz. The Ilkhanate Mongol rulers abolished the inequality of dhimmis, and all religions were deemed equal. It was shortly after this time when one of the Ilkhanate rulers, Arghun Khan, preferred Jews for the administrative positions and appointed Sa'd al-Daula, a Jew, as his vizier. The appointment, however, provoked resentment from the Muslim clergy, and after Arghun's death in 1291, al-Daula was murdered and Persian Jews in Tabriz suffered a period of violent persecutions from the Muslim populace instigated by the clergy. The Orthodox Christian historian Bar Hebraeus wrote that the violence committed against the Jews during that period "neither tongue can utter, nor the pen write down".[
>Ghazan Khan's conversion to Islam in 1295 heralded for Persian Jews in Tabriz a pronounced turn for the worse, as they were once again relegated to the status of dhimmis (Covenant of Omar). Öljeitü, Ghazan Khan's successor, destroyed many synagogues and decreed that Jews had to wear a distinctive mark on their heads; Christians endured similar persecutions. Under pressure, many Jews converted to Islam. The most famous such convert was Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, a physician of Hamadani origin who was also a historian and statesman; and who adopted Islam in order to advance his career in Öljeitü's court in Tabriz. However, in 1318 he was executed on charges of poisoning Öljeitü and his severed head was carried around the streets of Tabriz, chanting, "This is the head of the Jew who abused the name of God; may God's curse be upon him!" About 100 years later, Miranshah destroyed Rashid al-Din's tomb, and his remains were reburied at the Jewish cemetery.
This was in Sunni Iran.

It's totally not because you ran of arguments for your delusional world and that you not only wished you were Lebanese but also lived in the west. Keep seething

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It was though. You chimping out at anime posts exposes you for the redditard you are.

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Jow Forums/nel is a spongebob imageboard though, anime is for redditors.

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It's basically identical to yours.
>inb4 muh nikah Mutah
I'm not Twelver I don't believe in that. I'm specifically talking about the Sharia attested in your Sunni seerahs. Surely you believe that the Prophet let the Khyber Jews live and let the Jews of Madinah live with him until they plotted against him.

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