Why do Euros obsess with us all day?

Why do Euros obsess with us all day?

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Because they don't like you.

human stupidity and shortsightedness

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it wasn't like this 2 years ago or so
not sure what happened, I think the 2016 brought a lot of reddit using europeans here

who knows, whatever they are this board is choking under their weight

In what way? I think that you are only projecting.Only Germans and Finns are obsessed with us. Rest of Euros is much more indifferent towards America.

because we run this bih (by bih I mean the world)

>it wasn't like this 2 years ago or so

they have no culture, no unity, no hope so they just shill anti-american myths 24/7 to feel better. you can even turn on a euro news channel and they like to shit on usa in order to draw away attention from criticisms of the eu.

No culture, no history, no future.

>every Jow Forums post comes from a United Statian
>who are mutts
Need I say more?

ah yes, the shitposter without a sense of irony

you are cancer, and this world would improve if you killed yourself

>why do americas
>do americans really
>why are americans
all of these thread come from europeans with shit they find on reddit, no, it was not like this 2 years ago

now all we have other than that shit is the same threads every day
>No culture, no history, no future.
perfect example

Why are american flags now all seething faggots ?

all day every day here now
same shit over and over

You didn't answer tho, why are you seething filthy nigger.

>ah yes, the shitposter without a sense of irony
Are you referring to yourself?

Attached: averagedayonint.png (1008x1032, 454K)

>France calling anyone else a nigger
Sit down little boy

You're a paki lmao, your mayor is a fucking muslim for fuck sake.

you're hopeless

>he says while not understanding the reason why Jow Forums makes fun of him and the flag he is under

it was
I wonder what it will be next

>culture i don't like = no culture
Every inhabited place has a culture

you just don't get it, you're completely ignorant

and, that's why you're cancer

>Europeans gawk at Americans like a bunch of monkeys in a zoo throwing shit at each other
>They mistake this gawking as jealousy

what do you do when the so called gawkers are just monkeys throwing shit at each other?

americans are annoying fags

nobody cares wh*Toid, your race is going extinct

Do Americans really confused?

>he says
Do Ameritards really?

you're a pol post incarnate, and I hope you die

>image changes
>filename changes
>comment changes
Jimmy Status: Maximum Over-Rustle

why do americans believe euros are obsessed with americans?

because you're genuinely some truly fascinating creatures with all the weird, retarded shit you do, which often begs the question: do you really do these things?

Brits are NOT Europeans