Racial map of the world

Racial map of the world

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That's the mistake you spotted first?

i am black retard

i am black retard

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Americans aren't germanic


Fuck off mongrel.

Get it right

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But my brother
me and you are the same people
I demand Hungary to be painted black

>races are confined to modern borders
You're a retard


Attached: BERBER BVLL.jpg (726x651, 64K)

We aren't actually black, you literal meme-eating idiot.

>We aren't actually black, you literal meme-eating idiot

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algeria is not wh*te

looks good to me

>Algeria is not white

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your font size is far from a BVLL

a bvll doesn't need to present himself as a higher being when he already is one

i assume this is a joke

கருப்பர் நகரம், தம்பி

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Indian are so black, they make congoids look like Icelanders

this is what peak BASED looks like

butthurt finngolian

chile is white desu

He is moroccan


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>each state is like a country himself

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if you search Chilean ghettos, you will get Chilean ghettos.

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>spain and portugal brown

ok im black now

Lmao, of course the cherry picked ones just happened to be ugly.

You change the black color to Homo Balticus. Africa as we all know used to be Baltic before moneys evolved.

Typical virgin cope

you're just pissed off just because Sweden considers you a brownie nordic.

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on the contrary

>brownie nordic

Yikes, it's worse than being called a sandnigger. I don't want to be associated with these snow monkeys.

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höhöhöhö. so you admit you're a sandnigger who just is ein untermensch. why I'm not surprised?

kys outside of Norway, please

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Also I bet you assumed I was Norwegian, lmao.

it's quite sad to understand the fact that norway is no longer the country of norwegians people.

I'll pray my god to his safety

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Don't live in Norway, Pablo Salvador.

Nothing you said has any relation to me.

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nothing wrong then shitskin.

>sorry laddie my surname is not spanish, german heretige lol

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post your face mr aryan from chile lmao

>Why yes, I am the one to call others shitskins, how did you notice?

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np, I used to live in the US for two years, and for everybody I was a white man

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how the fuck is Lebanon incel and arab? it's the complete opposite of both?

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you look native/european mutt honestly

>this "person" thinks he/she is superior to me

dunno mate, I live comfy for my two years there. everybody ask me which part of Germany I was from. it's more probably I'm a mutt between spaniards and germans than a native tbqh

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Gonna chill with my japanese nigganagas and dab on them wh*toids, roaches and blacks while sippin some dank Boba tea.

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fucking disgusting mutt

it's not mutt, it's fat, if you're looking to my cheeks

i have been to austria, germany and czechia and you wouldn't pass as an average native, maybe you could pass as a local but that's only a maybe in southern germany or austria

lose weight

Monetnegro is also BLACK for obvious reasons

I just care to protect and have a discussion about how is Europe dying.

my opa was from thüringen btw

I tried, but it's hard when you're 300 lbs. sometimes I went to Jow Forums and try to change my lifestyle

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This. Thank you my african brotha

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it's true about latvia. we black kings. you crackers don't even dare show your bioluminescent asses after dark

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