>mfw all foreigners will keep on screeching over trees far away from them
>mfw that will continuously drive the common Brazilian to be even more nationalistic and force Bolsonaro to escalate the narrative even more against Europe and the first world
>mfw all this leftist whining over the Amazon is literally forcing Bolsonaro to become an even more strong leader and do more harsh measures to trigger even more leftists worldwide
>mfw it's literally the 2018 elections all over again and he will gain even more popularity over some blind leftists trying to push their narrative
Thanks Leftists worldwide you guys are the Best!

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reply to me if bolsonaro supporting brazilians should be banned from Jow Forums

You know that in the long run it's more economic to not burn it. Right?

I love the fact that you guys even imply that we actually want to burn it


all brazillians should be banned form Jow Forums



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Why do brazilian retards take pride in the fact that they elected bolsonaro a man who licks the ass of Israel, Trump, and brazilian corporations? Is this the power of the brazilian """""nationalist"""""?

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legitimately why do ?
whats the net benefit of it all ?

sucking american and israeli dick is the brazillian nationalists favorite free time activity

but why the fuck are they burning it

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I'll laugh my ass of when your house gets carpet bombed.

To make room for soyafarms.

ban them from /sp/ as well

There is one particularly obnoxious spammer who has been starting these kind of threads since last year. You may recognize him by these anime pictures of Amazonian Indians or his tinfoil hat-tier religious/political views.

you seem mad

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Carbon emissions and global warming triggering leftists epic style xD

they want to take part in le epic Jow Forums memes without getting frowned upon for being shitskins

No really.
Even if that burned to make way to crops (which is not the case) it would be more profitable to plant soy there than just keep the forest the way it is.

Still, it's firestorm season in Brazil. It happens every year when the rain stops (it has'nt rained in that are for 3 months) all it needs its the butt of cigarrete to set the forest on fire.

Still, I woudnl't risk the hypotesis that NGO leftists set the forest on fire to say "hurr durr, Brazil doesn't take care of the forest".

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based brazil

I want to impregnate kuruminha-chan

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Wont poor kuruminha-chan have to leave her jungle and put on pants and get a "real job" if the Amazon burns down?

Most of the natives literally want to get out of the jungle or live off mining royalties but they can't due to international pressure applied over legislation during the PT years

tick tock chimps
this is your future

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Have fun turning your country into the 2nd Sahara

They should be banned from existence.


Your meme president does the same things MUTT. By the way, hows the WALL?

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>Burning the literal lung of the world
>Heh Bolsorano stronk
That's why expected of brazilian monkeys, the dumbest latinos they are and we share continent with Peru.
T ambien español es mejor que pinche portugues mal hablado que tienen les voy a meter mi verguiriña


>That's why expected of brazilian monkeys, the dumbest latinos they are and we share continent with Peru.
The dumbest latinos that despise that, has an industry bigger than yours, is more independent than your country, has the balls to fight crime that your country dont, and despise the left destroying our educational system in such way that we bomb the PISA test every year, have a better education to you since if you had one, you would know that most of the oxygen that we breath froms from photosynthesis from the ocenas and that the oxygen produced by plants is reabsroved during the night, hence why we should not have plants in our bedrooms at night.


>Amazon becomes a desert
>Coastal cities flood
>This is good for the economy

>destroying one of the worlds largest ecosystems to own the libs

At least quarantine them in Jow Forums


>and that the oxygen produced by plants is reabsroved during the night, hence why we should not have plants in our bedrooms
you sound like my grandma trying to tell me that ironing before showering will kill

powerless leftoid subhuman treehuggers will continue seethe.
you can do NOTHING.

>only leftists appreciate the environment and care about the future of the planet
The absolute state of monkey politics.
Yeah, burn your monkey treehouse down to anger the leftists!

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>bolsonaro sucks off Trump for free
>b-but at least he triggers lefties ;_;

Yep the amazon only is the 20% of the oxygen of the whole world, no big deal. Its not about majority dumb fuck,its a fucking ecocide/and determetal overall for you shit country and our world that we have the unfortunate fate to share with you macacos.
>the left destroying our educational system
>Industry > Natural resources
Don't worry macaco the education system has no effect just reading your dumb arguments

And since when are Brazilians moved to nationalism due to foreigners' opinions?

Isn't the average Brazilian the exact opposite? A self-hater who needs the approval of Europeans and maybe to a lesser extent Americans?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when has a Brazilian felt more nationalistic after suffering criticism from the west?

I'd be glad when Brazil realizes their position and start sticking it to the west, but I tend to be wishful for things that aren't happening.


>And since when are Brazilians moved to nationalism due to foreigners' opinions?
Since ever, have you actually seen the 7x1 videos? Also, do you honestly believe the vira-lata complex bullshit which leftist spam all the time here?

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I didn't imply or say that I voted for that cuck, monkey.

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Obviously, that's not your face since what monkeyzilians are doing is destroying Kuruminha's home. Here, I posted your true "face when".

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funny as you guys honestly believe that kuruminhas want to live in the disease ridden jungle and literally in the paleolithic era

>a man who licks the ass of Israel, Trump, and brazilian corporations?
Meh, it's basically a sidegrade from a man who licks the ass of Venezuela, Castro and Odebrecht.

They are literally getting killed by the fire that you are celebrating because they don want to leave where they live, macaco.

Losing a football match is not an opinion. I get it the jimmies of Brazilians got mighty rustled by this, but it's hardly a German commentary on Brazil and Brazilians...

I see it and hear it common place among Brazilians. The self-hate, the need to be like the west.
In a sense Bolsonaro and Brazilian nationlism is a reflection of this. People realize Brazil is not western, can never be western, etc. They are a crime and corruption ridden state who needs to be lead by an ex military to rule. Many places around the world are like this, and proudly so, but that's only because they lost or never had any will to be part of the west. It's good to see Brazil finally finding its place, and maybe in a few decades the vira-lata complex won't be normal.

>that's what leftists believe
Have you guys prayed for the dead amazonian giraffes today?

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Only leftists care about the environment on the other side of the world that they have absolutely no entitlement to. Eco-globalism is a scam to empower the state to penalise you for any normal human activity you can name, all under the aegis of "saving the planet". Eating meat, having children, burning fuel, breathing. The left slobbers over the thought of it because they despise freedom and worship bureaucracy.


It think they still are self hating people, don't be baited a few idiots playing "epic 4d chess to bait the left xd", I've never met more miserable people than brazilians, imagine living in a tropical paradise and still be a fuck up, must be hard

>The left slobbers over the thought of it because they despise freedom and worship bureaucracy.
Wrong its the other way round, every non libertarian right winger gets a hard on for an authorian shithole distopya. The only leftists who thing like this are 60 year old boomers who still live in the cold war

como va la selva lancandona

Look at this happy girl thats anxious to leave the amazonia :)

Chingon, con grupos de autodefensas y llegando a un punto donde pueda pasar un tren bien mamalon. Pero ademas sabes no esta siendo quemada mientras escribo esto.

I think you are mostly getting this image from the Brazilians in portugal. One thing that is really common with diaspora is the fact that they NEED to hate Brazil to keep on going with living in a foreign country with a foreign culture. The whole point is that the brazilian culture is so entrenched within Brazilians and so unique in its own ways to deal with outside influences that it can't even be erased from people living outside Brazil. The point is, brazilians have a really strong spiritual connection, almost pagan, to their culture and their way of living, that is mostly influenced by the debate between the historic catholic presence and the freemason liberalism that is present since the formation of Brazil. And different from other countries, Brazil never had an international major shock, like a world war or being pariahs in the international community, this spirit basically carry on, especially since the formation of the Brazilian Empire and the golden eras of the Brazilian Republic. Nowadays, after 2 decades of leftist indoctrination, most brazilians became confused about their identity due to leftist deconstruction of our culture including the self-hate narrative and the whole wannabe white thing, but even tho that happened, brazilians became outraged due to the corruption schemes, which forced brazilians to look once again to their history and culture, which made people vote for what was similar to what represents Brazilian nationalism and brazilian culture, which was Bolsonaro. In the end, brazilians never stopped being nationalistic, as the brazilian culture even in the darkest hours lingered on.

>literally quoting a fat native from a tweet of a congressman of the worker's party
Lmao, you guys never learn

>brazilians wants too much to please europeans
>brazilians should listen to europeans and stop burning the amazon to make room for agriculture

Something is not adding up.
Still, what we do have here ( Iand I do it myself) is to envy some particularies of other cultures that would be benefical here. For example the way schools in Japan teach kids self-responsability and to respect their teachers, or how both american and russian society are patriotic/nationalistic and so on.

Everybody wants to measure themselves with things that work. Who the fuck would want to mimic Botswana or Congo?

Wtf, is that a rabbit?

Idc who is the congressman, the native is demolishing your idea of "lol dumb cavemen they want our civilized cock"
Learn to understand macaco

Ah yes, a FAT NATIVE is demolishing my idea


So you voted for Hillary Epstein?

You're a mongrel made of dozens of different races, obviously you don't feel connection to anywhere in the world, you have no identity, you have no culture. But just because you feel this way, doesn't mean Native Americans don't feel love for their ancestral homeland.


is brazil the only country where nationalism means destroying then nation

I didn't say Brazilians should listen to Europeans at all.
Like others said ITT, let the Amazon burn and be chopped, idgaf. The west is in a better position to improve their ecosystems than a poor country like Brazil. Brazil wants to deforest and mine because they aren't about to become a service based economy.

I understand that people would want to implement measures that work. But what works in some cultures doesn't necessarily work in others. Take Socialism in Europe and Socialism in Latin America, for example. One created the political model of nordic countries while the other is Latin America. Different cultures, different rules. Would japanese style schools work in Brazil? Or would it change like latin america changed solicalism?

>The west is in a better position to improve their ecosystems than a poor country like Brazil.
What is your definition of Western nowadays?

Not Brasil that's a fact

Uhm that is not a definition.

same honestly.

The difference between political ideologies in the west and on latam, is the lack of political "brakes". Consider the following, a nutjob (far right or far left) takes power in an European country. What happens? The EU promptly intervenes and forces him to back off. A nutjob takes office in the USA? The deep state quickly neuters him. But on Latin America, there's nothing to stop the nutjob, he's able to implement his radical, batshit insane agenda with little or no opposition.

>The west is in a better position to improve their ecosystems than a poor country like Brazil. Brazil wants to deforest and mine because they aren't about to become a service based economy.
True, but the excuse it is given has nothing to do with the actual goal of what they want:


macaco baseado, corneando ele mesmo e se achando gostoso por isso

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Brazil should decide what do to for themselves, desu.

And what do you suggest? Preferably something that doesn't lead our country into cuckolding, so I'm kinda hesitant to take advice from European countries.

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I'm suggesting you don't listen to anyone on how to run your country. Btw, you make cool planes.

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Funny you saying this since Norway is the country with the most vicious attacks on our agriculture despise the fact that yours is much smaller and our countries dont even have a relationship aside from the per usual embassys and what nots.

I would guess this is not even covered in your news?


Yes, it has been covered. You should kick the companies out.


Better than Donny Epstein macaco

Can't do it.
Unfortunally this democracy thing prevents us to do as we please...

this desu.

burn the Amazon down, Bolsonaro forever

He is also a monarchist.

Burn it down! The billionaires need more! BURN THAT SHIT DOWN !!!

bro you're kinda cringe bro

> Brazilian corporations

The biggest Brazilian corps are run by the state or the state has the major share in it.
The biggest one that isn't linked to the government is AmBev but it is a Belgium - Brazilian company.