What's wrong with Mexicans?

What's wrong with Mexicans?

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Subhuman genes

Unironically high test.

Training in the school of the America's in the US

Did she died?

Those type of stories are usually fake my germando friend

lol, never been to liveleak or bestgore?

I have seen worse on bestgore

Poverty, drug use, violent culture herited from natives.

Meh, I've seen worse from othee countries

No me ayudes compadre.

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Cállese a la verga puto mayita, ándate al pinche monte a cazar tu comida. Los civilizados estamos hablando.

The most indigenous and poor states aren't violent and definitively doesn't have this kind of shit

jajajajajaja cómo te pones ese trip
y aparte te sientes orgulloso de ello jajajajajajajaja

>Fuente: mi culo

>¿Qué son los linchamientos de "robachicos" en las rancherías?
Puto tizoc imbécil.

>be mexican
>get chopped up to death

I have, those videos are real and gruesome.
That doesn't change the fact that most of the fucked up stories you will be reading on the Internet regarding narcos are fake.


>sara kamouni
sounds tunisian but i can't put my finger on where that family name is from

yeah but think of the amazing food!

Wasn't the drug war over? What's happening under AMLO government?

just good old culture

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Have you seen the one where there's this guy with both hands chopped off and the skin from his face apparently ripped off and he was somehow still alive? The video started with the dude like that and they kept slashing his neck and at some point they stuck a big steel pole down his throat or something, that's where I had to stop watching.
I've watched hundreds of beheadings, testicles being ripped off, burnings, bludgeonings, hammerings, guttings, but this one really made me weak.

ugly accent
get beheaded by cjng

You are pathetic.
Yucatan is the only place where people from decent wholesome countries feel safe in mexico.
>Wasn't the drug war over?
Yeah, the drugs won.

Aquí no llegan esos culeros, Xilim Balam


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That's heavy metal af desu

Propaganda is not the sam-
Actually yes, it's very safe, please go & visit

Germanic blood

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unironically based


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Daily reminder to yurops, this only happens in mexico, and probably colombia, brazil and some central american countries.

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they aren't white

los norteños le dan asco todos son panzones y tienen muchas espinillas


> Northeast

thank God zetas dissapeared

Literally too much testosterone.

he was a fighter though kept biting the machete

That's how you make them learn.

so, is there a video?

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Un segundo, vas a comparar justicia pronta y expedita con la nota de OP, dime en serio estas equiparandolo?

Subhuman Aztecs should not have been left aliveb

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"We should have killed them all to prevent them to kill themselves!"


the northeast isnt even human


Never would’ve happened if she had a gun

You don't see Aztec beheadings in the USA now do you

>justicia pronta y expedita
Dile eso a la familia de los policías encubiertos que quemaron vivos porque un pendejo del pueblo pensó que eran ladrones o a la familia de los repartidores que lincharon hasta matarlos porque los pendejos leyeron la cadena falsa de WhatsApp y fb donde decía que los que andaban en camiones repartidores en los pueblos esos culeros eran robaniños

Te lo repito PENDEJO, es lo mismo? De seguro eres de algún mierdero lleno de narcos, pero eso si, de primer mundo

No es lo mismo, es peor
Es el "puevlo vueno" que LMAO defiende a capa y espada

Y de donde soy los narcos se matan entre ellos, la última vez que hubo una baja civil fue hace dos años y porque el pendejo se quiso poner a grabar la balacera en la calle y le dio una bala perdida.

Primitive ape-like indigenous blood

>Los civilizados

Attached: 2017 homicide rate US and MEX.png (574x890, 93K)


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>justicia pronta y expedita
Nada de justicia con los linchamientos de la perrada indígena. Yo viví en primera persona la manera en la que esos salvajes operan y es a base de chismes y teléfonos descompuestos. De igual modo es más posible que te pinche mate una horda de tiraflechas porque eres de afuera antes de que se chinguen a un verdadero lacra. En el pueblo burrero en el que estuve supe de un wey que era lacra conocido por todos al cual le toleraron sus raterías durante toda la vida; no fue sino hasta que comenzó a robar en su propio pueblo que se lo chingaron.
La "justicia" de pueblo es puro tribalismo y curiosamente prevalece más en los pueblos de chupaductos. Chinga a tu madre.

>i-it's just the narcos

You don't really believe that bullshit right?

>Y de donde soy los narcos se matan entre ellos
>be mexican police
>be lazy
>be fat
>go to crime scene
>claim it's related to narcos
>don't investigate shit

Los indios no están pendejos como los mestizos y sus patroncitos menos prietos. Haz oído de las capturas de narcos en guerrero y Michoacan últimamente? Los que han hecho todo el trabajo han sido las propias comunidades, y eso es de años, como el pendejo ese del tequilero. Y tu putete has de estar esperando que el ejército te salve


How do you know the north of Mexico so well?

Aquí no hay cobro de piso ni esas pendejadas, los narcos no se meten con la gente porque no les interesa, que eso no pase en tu pueblo bicicletero no significa que no sea así en otro lado.
Y si un policía ve que hay como mil casquillos de 7.62 mm tirados en el suelo es más que obvio que fue disputa entre narcos, no hay que ser Einstein para descifrar eso

Y háblame en español indio patarrajada, ese fue el idioma que te instruyeron después del náhuatl

>muh indios balientes y autonomos
Tu y todos los prietos van y chingan a su madre. Si son tan autónomos y chingones renuncien a sus privilegios fiscales y a sus programas de asistencia; a ver cuánto tiempo duran antes de ponerse a tragar galletas de lodo, hijos de puta.
Esos mismos grupos de policías comunitarias terminan volviéndose narcos y huachicoleros, por eso es que agreden a los federales y soldados.
Los novohispanos debimos de haberlos recluido en reservas para que se pudran en su "cultura milerania" de pedofilia y salvajismo. Pinches lastres.

What's the matter northcuck? You don't want your beloved gringos to know the truth about the Aryan north of Memexico?

Veo que usas el idioma de tus dueños

>Esos mismos grupos de policías comunitarias terminan volviéndose narcos y huachicoleros
The government hired narcos and made their own community police, read retard, mireles was some faggot who wanted to be protagonist but never fight along the people hunting the narcos

>indio patarrajada
My grandma said that once lmao, never understood the meaning

t. maquilero

Significa que no tienes ni para comprar huaraches

Nada más alejado de la realidad


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>Significa que no tienes ni para comprar huaraches
Gracias, aprendi algo nuevo

t. wh*texicans

En mi meme estado (NL) si hay cobro de piso y secuestros a civiles. De que putos estados estás hablando?

Sorry, so you work for some mysterious entrepreneurs who always drink Buchanan's

Dem fellers knew how to train them military monkeys over here

Nuke mexico holy shit.

La definición correcta es que prefieres andar descalzo como tus ancestros indígenas, es decir, que le sacas el dedo de enmedio al mundo civilizado y prefieres andar de pies descalzos e ideas retrógradas

Why are Mexicans so violent and cruel to their fellow countrymen?


>While Hernán Cortés was in Tenochtitlan, he heard about other Spaniards arriving on the coast – Pánfilo de Narváez had come from Cuba with orders to arrest him – and Cortés was forced to leave the city to fight them. During his absence, Moctezuma asked deputy governor Pedro de Alvarado for permission to celebrate Toxcatl. But after the festivities had started, Alvarado interrupted the celebration, killing almost everyone present at the festival, men, women, and children alike. Unarmed and trapped within the walls of the Sacred Precinct, an estimated 8,000–10,000 Aztec nobles were killed.

>At this time, when everyone was enjoying the celebration, when everyone was already dancing, when everyone was already singing, they came to close the exits. At that moment, they then attacked all the people, stabbing them, spearing them, wounding them with their swords. They struck some from behind, who fell instantly to the ground with their entrails hanging out [of their bodies]. They cut off the heads of some and smashed the heads of others into little pieces. They struck others in the shoulders and tore their arms from their bodies. They struck some in the thighs and some in the calves. They slashed others in the abdomen and their entrails fell to the earth. There were some who even ran in vain, but their bowels spilled as they ran; they seemed to get their feet entangled with their own entrails.

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Alguacil (algo así), pariente

Don't worry, based AMLO stopped the fight against these people.

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Estás pendejo jajajajaj

More like sociopathy and complete disregard for their fellow goblins.

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STFU nobody cares about your asslavic shithole.
>injun blaming everything on muh ebil goberment
Colour me shocked.

>mexicans unironically triggered at the fact their country is a shithole. I love claim murders are crime related, becuase they NEVER post a fucking source,

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drug routes

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>STFU nobody cares about your asslavic shithole.

In the whole country of 5 000 000 people there are only 20 murder per year. Most of time mafia sorting their shit and gypsies. I literally have never been victim of crime or witnessed crime (was in fight several times while being drunk).

Estos zoomers no valen verga, pata rajada era lo que les pasaba por andar descalzos toda la vida que se les hacía una callosidad en toda la planta del pie qué sé veía como una pinché suela anti derrapante llena de grietas


No más que tu, indio chiapaneco

I was saying you are right chilemono

>se les hacía una callosidad en toda la planta del pie qué sé veía como una pinché suela anti derrapante

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>incel glasses
>weak chin

Y no es lo mismo pendejo? Tenían medios para no andar descalzos y preferían andar de patarrajada
Igual no me sorprende que intentes defender a tus ancestros y tengas nula comprensión de lectura