I f*****g despise ameritards

I f*****g despise ameritards

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As long as youre thinking of us, we win.

Also that dog gets better healthcare than the humans i bet

>obese single white trash mother
>niglet child
Every single time

why are american dogs so fucking fat

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>the united states in one pic

>used to be in the military
>mfw I actually served to protect these fucking retards

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how does anyone tolerate this reality without killing themself?

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>this is the most powerful country in the world
I feel like I'm going to throw up.

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The absolute unit in the front.

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WTF is that shit? Is that hell?

On what?
Your lack of a decent healthcare?
The risk of getting shot every time I leave my home (and sometimes even in it)?
The absolutely shit food?
Your economy that is basically fucked to hell and back?
That everybody on this planet hates your guts?
That you slowly but surely slide into fascism?
I´ve been to the US before. Its a shithole. And I pity everybody that has to live in it.

The blob with the niglet really embodies the united states.

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There is just so much to unpack here...


How many cows did they have to stitch together to make that jacket?


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I hope we get a third part of his fascinating story