Why? Are they really monkeys?

Attached: Mapa_do_Brasil_com_a_Bandeira_Nacional.png (526x524, 37K)

Of course not, monkeys love trees and nature. Why would they destroy their only home?

Who the fuck are you to tell them how to use their land?


Attached: Argentina-Exchange Rate-April2019_0.gif (510x325, 6K)

Of course it's a mutt.

They are killing one of the biggest natural reserves in the world

Your answer is as empty as your economy.

The consequences of amazonian deforestation extend farther than their borders. How hard is it to understand that?

Of course it's a mutt.

Argentinians burning down their economy is also bad for us since our economies are heavily linked, yet you don't see us bitching at them for doing it.

Fucking idiot

I'm white

Nice way of saying you're a lazy bitch.

What¡? your president is actually bitching about our elections every single day and it's all over the news WTF


Some Latin Americans are among the best disciples of Ayn Rand and American turbo-capitalism.

Yes, he's bitching about elections, not over shit that actually matters like how we're under 1% growth and could well be dragged into recession along with you.

If I see you set fire to your house I can’t technically stop you from doing that but I absolutely can tell how retarded that is and that it will have very serious consequences for your life.

who is burning the amazon?
that's a natural fire

The Amazon (and the rest of the world's forests) burns every single year during dry season and this year is nothing special, Argentina deforested almost double the percentage of its forests between 1990-2010 compared to Brazil despite having a much lower forest cover.

Attached: chrome_2019-08-20_12-57-16.png (919x423, 37K)

I hope you know how hypocritical this answer is. Okay tu quoque is and argument, but still none of the top 10th economies really care about the impact of there actions in other nations.


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