His ''country'' doesn't have it's own language

>his ''country'' doesn't have it's own language

Attached: alphabets-europe.jpg (1800x1800, 1.06M)


We do

Attached: 20190817_223008.jpg (822x622, 138K)


Based grease

The natives here do

Attached: ucas.gif (600x599, 32K)

We literally invented it.



Actually we do but we chose to use Latin because it was easier.

I bet you can't read it, i never met a berber who can read those runes, it's just a made up script by autistic wuwuzers

What's the point with separate alphabets when most European languages are so closely related anyway?

We invented it

Why did snowniggers stop using runes? They were pretty cool

Ogham is a meme that deserves only death. I thank the Romans everyday for sailing over and stamping out this chickenscratch on a stick script before it could take firmer root.

Latin alphabet comes from the Phoenicians

Some sounds are found in some languages but not in oĆ°ers

Christianity happened

Who converted the pagans btw? Was it the French or I'm mistaken?

>his non romance language uses the latin alphabet

Attached: 1565082187199.png (398x376, 274K)

That's why digraphs exist

Which pagans? Germanic? It was more of an internal process where Christianity slowly replaced it by virtue of it being an organized religion with extremely wealthy patrons. Only after having gained a critical mass did it turn into a systematic eradication of all other religions.

It's almost as though most of them share a common ancestor...

Your point being?

>His """"country""" doesn't have a proper name

Attached: 1550836835269.png (327x316, 221K)

yours don't even have its own name

we have both of those

The Vikings. I though the got conquered and force to convert to Christianity.

We do, but don't use it
Some villages/towns have their name signs also written in rovas tho

Attached: rovas_abc_ma.gif (650x430, 39K)

Are you perhaps thinking of the Normans? Part of their deal with the French king was that they'd convert to Christianity.

truly pathetic


Seething welshoid

Seething gauls speaking a latin language

the world ''alphabet'' literally comes from the based greek alphabeta

Attached: message.png (320x93, 3K)

Jesus Christ this is the ugliest alphabet? I ever seen