Why do white men hate asian men so much?

>lol Pathetic seething little dick ricelets finally have to face the facts.
>While you impotently rage online about a fake fight in a fake film where your precious god Bruce Lee (himself a product of white men breeding yellow pussy) is effortlessly HUMILIATED and CASTRATED by a White MAN, MILLIONS of your women are getting FUCKED and SUCKED by superior virile White Men. Married and unmarried Asian girls are willingly taking creampied from BIG WHITE COCK and there is LITERALLY NOTHING you can do about it :)

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literally every single cuck spammer and nigger larper here is Asian. Eurasian tiger slams blacked on this site 24/7. Bugmen are in a perpetual state of butthurt, just look at r/Asianmasculinity

Asian “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””men””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

only asians i dont hate are vietnamese and japanese. The rest are cholo tier

because only asians have smaller dicks than them. Imagine being a white man, whose sexuality was eclipsed by BLACK BVLLs since the 1500s, and suddenly a study shows that asians have even smaller peepee than you

Lmfao, who makes these pics?

>Eurasian Tiger
How is he our fault? He is the spawn of a white man.

irl literally no one cares about white people here. guess it's Jow Forums autism as usual

He’s a pathetic mutt that’s whines about muh Asian masculinity just like you

your pic is what asians generally look like

Thats right, white bois are delusional. Korean women would prefer black men

They see themselves as the "smart but weak" compare to blacks so when an asian is smarter it takes away the only thing they excel at and they seethe

Asians are smarter than whites.
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites.

So white guys have to be content with being the average race.

Is this the source of most of the white rage against asian men?

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When white boi see Asian chad, they try to affront with tiny dick myth which they never saw it in personal. Only some kind of ugly japs male av actors are their source. You know dick size are related to height. Japs are usually shorter than us. Now, white bois are insecure cuz their women go to BBC. Therefore, they want to verify their superiority by insulting asian guys. Such a pathetic. Real chad don’t care about race. Only Jow Forumscels are care about race cuz being white is the hugh legacy from their ancestors. They don’t want to get off their comfort zone.

Literally nobody here gives a shit about Asian guys. Asian guys know this too which is why they spam black man + white women photos as opposed to Asian man + white women photos because it will be taken seriously.

We have three sub Reddit’s designed for Asian guys to seeth about Asian women and white men but no sub re-edits for white guys to get upset about losing their women to Asian men

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Stop pretending you’re not white yourself cuck

The people on Jow Forums are not "white men." It's actually niggers or spics who don't like Asian men banging white pussy. White men are okay with this irl. Most of the hate towards Asians is because they legitimately fear the chinks. When people think of Asian, they automatically associate it with China.

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The only people spamming blacked porn gifs are incel niggers, Jewish men, and homosexuals. Pretty weird you conclude that mainland Chinese make bmwf pornography.

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Nice try Zhang.

Only braindead incel poltards who have never touched a women before hate Asian men. They are based

Well I'm not Chinese. I'm vietnamese.

Probally because we have evidence of Asians on these sub Reddit’s talking about how they go to Jow Forums and post blacked everywhere and larp as black nationalists

Does it look like I know what you are talking about? The blacked gifs are made by Jews. They market if for white homosexuals and black incels wank off to that porn because it flatters them.

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Actually height doesn't have much to do with penis size since the dick is outside of your body, not inside of it. The guy with the biggest dick is like 5'9".

And yet the man with the worlds highest IQ and largest penis are both white.

And its perpetuated by the asian incels on Ainu shadow puppet forums. Incels of all kinds are subhumans.

Dunno about the highest IQ bit, not everyone has been measured so far. Katsioulis is at the top as of now.

>Katsioulis is at the top as of now.
My NVORDIC relative :)

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Rangeban canada and Australia, all the riceniggers post from these two flags

Actually he is more so Med with Dinaric characteristics. Actually, he kind of looks like La Brana man.

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>Blue eyes
Ok medcuck, whatever you say.

I literally talked down to asian incels who spam that shit you tiny brained paki nigger.

I mean his facial characteristics. He is Greek, so it is not unexpected. But yeah seems to look more WHG-like than a generic Med would.

The market for jewish nigger bmwf pornography is for white homosexuals and black incels. The Chinks have nothing to with this. Maybe it's time Canada align with the Chinese.

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These are what your average nigger larpers and cuck spammers look like

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i don't hate asian men, i just love the women and want to make hapa children with them

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I wish whites bullied us Latinos more

A lot of the spam that went on here like a year ago or so was at least partially done by asian incels who seethed at the very existence of WMAF couples.
As far as aligning with the Chinese is concerned, I will let the duke talk for me:

It would have to do more with pelvis depth


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just on Jow Forums. irl nobody gives a shit. asian guys are some of the best friends u can make, some of my best friends at uni are indo/viet/taiwanese.

Either way, every list that I have looked at which compares different people gives these overall results.

I don't know what are you even talking about. Look the asian will amwf porn if they get mad at wmaf couples. I'm sorry you are low IQ.

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Are you sure its not the opposite OP?

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> Look the asian will amwf porn if they get mad at wmaf couples.

Its just that people generally tend to not take AMWF stuff seriously since it is in reality outnumbered by WMAF couples, but as far as I know, BMWF and WMBF are on a more comparable level so it incites a competitive and a jealous response.
If you are going to troll someone then you need to use the best kind of ammunition.

I can bully you :)