Please visit Spain, we are so close to surpass France and becoming the most visited country in the world...

Please visit Spain, we are so close to surpass France and becoming the most visited country in the world, at least give us that

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come on man Spain is Germanys greatest ally :) we can defeat France together

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My German gf said she was going to take me to Spain but then her mom was having family trouble so I couldn't go.

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Ok where should I go
No party islands please

I already did it in the last 12 months

Ok but your wine will still be inferior to ours



reverse psychology, now you think we'll all go to Spain just to spite you and bring all the € with us.
Nice try Arturito

This remind me of my mother, a little tipsy from the beach went and tried to barter in a shoe shop. OUT OUT! HORRIBLE TOURIST WOMAN!!

Spain is very diverse, do your research and go somewhere you like

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>noo don't bring us money we want to stay 2nd world!!!

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Get me a job first and I'll consider it

Where is it? I like this very arid vegetation and climate.

Please come to spain and then take me with you

there's a greece poster that constantly posts how he hates tourists. Imagine hating tourists while they're the only thing keeping your country from becoming albania-tier shithole

And dont forget to bring as many of your women as you like :) nothing like spending your holidays with your sister or female friends haha

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Both Castilles if you like medieval shit. Andalusia if you want to see the most redneck part of Spain (there's a desert where the Dollars Trilogy was filmed). Valencia if you want to see some wacky stuff in March and Med weather.
Barcelona if you want to get robbed and stabbed.

>I like this very arid vegetation and climate

so all of Spain except the north

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spain really looks like Mexico, no wonder you liked Mexico so much

i dream of visiting valencia
how can you have such good old and newer architecture?
surpassing france in tourism is also a feat.
based spaniards

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Already been twice and want to go again.

I gonna in march to Barcelona


shithole, there are much better places than b*rcelona

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I went to Spain on my family holidays last month.
It's better than the Islamic Republic of France, that's for sure.


how about being a hipster instead and visiting portugal?

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Huh? I was in Barcelona last year and it's amazing but if you don't look spanish, watch your wallet.

I loved palma de mallorca

Barcelona was very nice

What part of spen should i visit if i want to breed southr*n boipussy?

My mom wants us to do El Camino de Santiago next summer.

In none of those places they speak spanish, you still havent visited real Spain

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You missed out spain is pretty nice. A lot of tourist in the summer at the beaches. But if you go to the not tourist cities its so nice.

I went to madrid(only for a day tho) and Valencia too


is she religious?

By chance we twice celebrated wife birthday there, so we decide it can be nice tradition

>Islamic Republic of France

Not at all. I think she just thought it sounds cool

>the most visited country in the world

that is a good thing for you? are you an idiot?

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>he doesnt like nordic girls


it doesn't matter, massive tourism causes numerous problems, it's pure cancer

>he doesnt know how much money tourism makes
you do realise that visiting is temporary, right?

Spain is filled with low-IQ folk like OP who think tourism is a viable 'industry'.

Nique ta mère, french turd.

Not interested, it is simply too hot. Will never return.

t. Walter Fabian Tanahuaco