Nazi incels finna boutta get dabbed on tomorrow, she's back

Nazi incels finna boutta get dabbed on tomorrow, she's back

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bro look at this dude

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dual-wielding the powers of each gender... fascinating

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This is bait, or OP looks like this.

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Oh no no no no

if you learn things from youtube rather than books, you should stop.

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>tfw no almost-passing trans gf in boymode

Attached: 1547906333526.jpg (595x585, 283K)

A man will never be a woman, it's not happening and it will never happen.

This thing is an absolute seethemachine, wish I was that based


>mfw people seriously claim that this 'thing' is deradicalizing people from the far right
How the fuck can a fascist look at this abomination and its horrible falsetto and shitty humor and not feel that this world has to be burned down to the ground?

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In fact he's giving arguments to his fanbase. They're gonna spread them all over social medias.

Who is that?

whose fanbase?

how this boy got such wide shoulders damnn

1. Mentally ill man
2. Extreme narcissist
3. Pandering to the yay sayers
4. Getting paid 500k a year
Who is he convincing?

>these are the people that spam blacked posts

Attached: cfgftyensic31.jpg (1050x1374, 381K)

hahahaha that is pathetic

Damn the cumbrain meme is real

They're definitely phoneposting cuck threads on Jow Forums or some other board in that pic.

>Look everybody, I called her he instead of she, am i based and redpilled yet haha lol!

Who the hell in their right mind would go to BLACKED RAW festival? Seriously what are they thinking? I kinda feel bad for them


me on the left looking at something


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it's probably one of those porn/sex toy conventions with a blacked booth or whatever

There's something about trans people
I don't believe they're inherently bad, abominations, or whatever, they can do whatever they want but oh fuck does the voice or every mtf trans I've ever heard sound unsettling and uneasy I just cannot listen to them

they're mentally ill people who are being encouraged to fall down the rabbit hole into psychosis. i'm not trying to be edgy, i find it really unfortunate

What does a bussy feel like bros?

necrotic scar tissue


too tall to be a qtpie unfortunately



what leads some men to be so sad and pathetic that they have to pretend to be women?

>says he's a she
breasts have to be covered
>says he's a he
nipples are a-ok
why is it like this bros

trannies are the biggest normfags in all of history, otherwise they wouldn't look like caricatures

don't forget to donate to my patreon and repeat the same meme for like 2 years now!

Mostly an ending society. So much layers on morals and hubris, people can't really go further.

can't wait til she goes bald for now she has had life on easy mode nearly millionaire and pretty good face if you forget the rest of her body

HES based. get it guys? haha i called HIM He cus HES a MAN!!!

so politically incorrect xd!!!

Attached: ted-cruz-looks-weird.jpg (830x437, 223K)

>implying stating the obvious is politically incorrect

Tfw a tranny is more masculine than me

Attached: TheStruggle.png (250x250, 101K)


Every day we are geting closer to wat grown organs. Unless sex is spiritually determined, we will see man turned into real woman by the tail end of our lifetimes.

Unless we can change a chromosme y to x, is literally not gonna happen.

MtF trannies feel like soldiers who ran away from their post to me, but I feel nothing but respect for FtM trannies.

you can clearly seethe soft focus tool work around her jaw

Attached: sawc.jpg (245x206, 6K)

You don't go bald on HRT

The thing is, you do no have to change the chromosomes, as the new organ will be grown with the needed set of gonosomes. For determination of sex, only the chromosomes in sex organs matter.

>bald on HRT
you're going to have a bad surprise

you could probably use gene therapies to deactivate it sometime in our lifetimes, not that it would produce a very big effect

If you haven't figured out yet, there are hundreds of parameters involved in sexual dimorphism. Replacing the full endocrinian system, yeah, why not, why not.


Balding in most cases is caused by androgens. One of the things you take on HRT (alongside estrogen) is anti-androgens, which block your body from producing them.

The thing with androgenic hormones is that their effects are usually permanent. Even a single-use testosterone shot has lasting effects on muscle density, and you cannot undo the effect that test has on the brain and bones. Even if you can grow a perfectly functioning uterus in a vat, you still wont be able to give trannies a feminine appearance

Even without changing the chromosome, by inhibiting the expression of certains genes (like SRY gene), you could inhibit the growth of male organs.

Why lingeries are so sexy, I've never seen a woman using lingerie irl

We're talking about grown adults who wants to accord their sex with their 'gender', not foeatal individuals.

SRY inhibition only works if you do it in utero, senpai. And i dont see whyyou'd do that.

Does he have a wound between legs or a pp?

so basically trans are women because they take anti hairloss drugs and gynecomastia pills this shit is ridiculous

Nah, that was just an example of how genes aren't the thing the most important for sex determination, but their by-products.
Except that, you could maybe generate from IPSC a womb but it would be very difficult to do as we're not yet on point with organoids and how an organ develop.

Anyways, i'm just talking about the technical side (as it's in my field of work), but it would be simply easier to heal and nurture those freaks back to proper mental health instead of doing all this charivari.

yes, that's the problem
even ftms have more hope than mtfs, because it's theoretically possible to unlock the growth plates and then you can just start adding mass in a masculine way, but turning a 180 cm wide frame dude into a 170 cm dainty girl would be like trying to remove the fourth floor of a ten story building and just lowering the remaining 6 floors without the whole thing collapsing

I disagree.
X chromosome represents about 800 protein-coding genes compared to the Y chromosome containing about 70 genes. The y chromosome is linked to hematopoïétic process and probably other things non related to sexual dimorphism. You cannot replace the by products of a male with females one without having an action on his genetical material, you can make some, but only a portion. It will be like said, a sort of biological bricolage, a construction. A man will never be a woman, we can't do that, we haven't the tools nor the knowledge to do so.

Also the answer is biology and evolution:
are you familiar with "glitches" and "sporadic mutations"? well, the origin of trans people, is similar to that of homosexual people: when a fetus is developing some of their parts, they may begin to work as those from the other gender (ie a male or female brain that has aspects of the other). so, its not a matter of taste, but a natural tendency that exists within them, just like some people who may have difficulties with learning or a tendency towards anger.

imo they shouldnt be understood as "sick", but also shouldnt be taken as people from the gender they feel they are: they arent either, but a mix of both. ironically, the notion of taking them as either a male or female, rather than trans is degrading them from their real id.

some ancient cultures took them as people "with two spirits", which is far more appropiate than pushing the illusion they can be a male or female, when transmale or transfemale are a completly different thing.

agree. i think accepting the political views that contradict chemistry and biology, isnt only bad for them, but for everyone. imo that could be viewed as "politically enforced chimerism"; something that degrades the "human" category into another disposable product to be managed as such. Maybe great for "human resources" but not for "humanism"

You're bs over a societal phenomenon brought with memes (dawkins ones). You could avoid the production of faggots and x sexualism with a proper conditioning. Not saying that some people aren't inherently proner to have mental disorders leading to a sexual anomaly/crisis, but we could get rid of them. First step, stop raising children in big groups in urban areas, second step consists of fighting the nature, pushing the limits. The last one is having a dedicated woman.

Do trannies exist just so they can post pics of themselves online for attention? Even then, everyone would consider this repulsive if not the social points to be gained in giving it attention.

What are you talking about incel freak?