Ok time to be honest. No memes, no irony, no jokes...

Ok time to be honest. No memes, no irony, no jokes. Does anyone here actually get upset when they see interracial relationships?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I would be if the girl was attractive, but only mediocre or ugly ones go for non whites
Atleast that I've seen

I get upset when I see a qt white girl with an ugly non-white man, it's one thing if it's a white Chad who looks better than me but if it's some monkey-faced dude it adds insult to injury

no because im not an incel (aka white)
example of an incel, look how he tries to cope.

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I posted it on a bunch of other threads today but no and it’s mainoy because I know so many guys who have either been in one regardless of what race they are and what race the girl is.

I’ll sometimes get in banter about races on Jow Forums but I don’t actually get mad in real life nor do I actually care


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Only if it's a hot girl with a nig. I can't bring myself to fuck a girl that's dipped in chocolate before, no matter how hot.

I always get really happy about it : )

Nope, do people actually get upset for it? But most of them are just unknown people.

Lol stop it Turks can dish it out but can’t take it. This thread probally goes down as being the most butt hurt I’ve ever seen in my life


Pure autism

Just ignore him it’s a literal school shooter

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Have sex, please.

looks like someone here needs a reality check

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Why would I be? It's a happy couple, good for them for being one
Most people that are upset about are Jow Forumstards, so their opinion is basically worthless



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Just know your women are dropping their Religion getting trains run on them here

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whatever helps you sleep at night, incel.

I still don't know why people get mad about it, why would someone care about other people going out with someone of another race?

hey, blackincel, check this reality

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This board got progressively worse since I left.
It's coping nonwhites and cucks now, nothing more.

It does

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why create a thread like this if cant handle the truth? what makes you think that posting a pic of a girl holding a turkish flag is going to make me mad at all?

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Porto Alegre has a lot of immigrants from Northeast and a lot of them identify themselves as whites

Only 15% of brazilians have recent european ancestrality (after 1840). If we think that 1/3 of them are mixed, this means that only 10% of brazilians are white. This is like 20 million people. Of course the majority of people who identify themselves as whites are in fact mixed.

There´s no way of you being white in Brazil nowadays without an italian, slav or germanic surname

Most mixed race people i've met have had some form of identity issues, so yes


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You two, you are the biggest autists of the board. We know the roach and their natural behaviors. We know the groups on dicord who try to radicalise /trigger lone wolves. But you ?? What is your goddamn problem ?

why are you so angry?

Never seen it in real life

Because mehemet the difference is I don’t actually care about a Turkish man dating a white girl in Canada I really don’t. However I know the idea of Muslim girl from Turkey dropping here religion to come here and smoke, drink, party, dress how she wants have sex with who she wants is enough to give you hypertension.

Living in any urban areas here the only people who get mad over these
Couples are overbearing Muslim fathers who don’t allow their daughters to marry non Muslim men and the occasional Indian families.

In rural areas it’s white Christian fathers from strict back grounds growing up. It’s generation is getting more and more integrated and these people are starting to disappear .

No. You'd have to be pretty thin skinned and easily offended.


LOL @ your life, spamming this shit for 7 years straight.

dude, do you really spend every single day here being butthurt about white people?
hahahaha, nigga, let nature take control of your life already
neet, ugly, virgin, black, incel
what a combo

>Because mehemet the difference is I don’t actually care about a Turkish man dating a white girl in Canada I really don’t.
>i-ir-ir-iereallly dont care guys thats why i spam threads with the same pic all day long
>however I know the idea of Muslim girl from Turkey dropping here religion to come here and smoke, drink, party, dress how she wants have sex with who she wants is enough to give you hypertension.
im not muslim nor nationalist so i dont care. you are mentally ill, get help before you shoot up somewhere.


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Absolutely buttblasted.

I think I will filter my own fucking flag.


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Oh and for the record I’m not op it’s a diffrent leaf

You posted before your the type of guy to come here and post blacked everywhere yet the second someone posts a white man + non white female you start seething.

This is a porn video.

you arent even making any sense bro. open your windows and take a deep breath. also try to go outside and talk to girls sometimes, this is the last (you) im giving in this thread.

Cara, se tu acha que é tão boi, então pega a porra do teu passaporte e vai pra Europa tentar a sorte.
O que tá fazendo no Pardil ainda postando esse monte de merda no Jow Forums para tentar irritar gente que realmente vive perto de gente branca, diferentemente de você?

Pega a porra do teu passaporte.
Compra uma passagem
E vai lá ver quantas brancas de verdade cê consegue pegar.
Mas nada de tirar foto ao lado e colocar na net para dizer que comeu sem ter feito nada, igual aquele preto do Rio de Janegro


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seeing black men with east asians makes me throw up in my mouth a little
don't know why, I'm not a yellow fever fag and genuinely don't have anything against black people either

are these porn parties? lol

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Nope. I do it myself. I'm dating a Japanese woman. I never go shit from other Hispanics but my gf said she some times gets it.

No. I think it's equally retarded how liberals fetishize interracial relationships and how right wingers demonize them. Some people date someone of a different ethnicity and others don't. I don't get why retards froth at the mouth over it.

Turkish women love white cock


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>Cara, se tu acha que é tão boi, então pega a porra do teu passaporte e vai pra Europa tentar a sorte.
>O que tá fazendo no Pardil ainda postando esse monte de merda no Jow Forums para tentar irritar gente que realmente vive perto de gente branca, diferentemente de você?
>Pega a porra do teu passaporte.
>Compra uma passagem
>E vai lá ver quantas brancas de verdade cê consegue pegar.
>Mas nada de tirar foto ao lado e colocar na net para dizer que comeu sem ter feito nada, igual aquele preto do Rio de Janegro

Tá esperando o que??
Vai lá
Ou vai continuar batendo punheta pra essas fotos random que tu achou sei lá onde?

I’d honestly only get mad if it was a pajeet or something, but that never happens anyway, so other than that, I don’t really care.

didn't read LOL

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You don't get a lot of things imho.

This doesn’t actually count as racemixing. They’re just in a clip together. We don’t even know if they’re a couple.


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nigga roleplaying as hetero

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>i-ir-ir-iereallly dont care guys thats why i spam threads with the same pic all day long

You know what I mean you have an intresting way of showing your not mad.
Again like I said before Turks can dish it out banter but can never take it


OH NO NO not even faveladas want walking pieces of shit

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Are all the American women getting Mexican dick? Why?

This can’t be real.


>unknown people

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White women don't like weak cucks.

Cope, cuck.


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you're fucking based, keep posting and destroying the incels.

Why do white women do this?
They are the only beautiful women on Earth and they're going to turn the world into a muddy swamp

No I don't care anymore. Women go for attractive men regardless of race, whatever. I get a bit angry and jealous but only because i don't have a gf, not because they are race mixing

cope more, niggaboi
all the stats you use are either memes or not referring specifically to walking pieces of shit like you

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he's a faggot in the closet

dude incels will never open their eyes

White males are weak cucks unable to make them happy, that's why white marriages are the shittiest in the world and white women are inviting millions of non-whites into their countries out of desperation.

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I believe but i still want to see your hand

>Does anyone here actually get upset when they see interracial relationships?

Absolutely not. I don't pay any attention to such things.

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Do jeito que você coloca, parece que tu é um puro germânico ou anglo-saxão postando esses norte europeus ai

>worlds strongest man
>all ugly roided incels
>somehow has something to do with relationships

Post proof with timestamp.

Hes an incel himself

No, I'm not a retard obsessed with the lives of other people.
And It would make me a massive hypocritce since I had a black gf in highschool.

Based BVLL, don't forget you have the moral obligation to spread your BVLL seeds into white wombs.

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Tô ligado nesses puro germânicos do Sul

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I used to hate interracial relationships with blacks but now im fine with it, more low IQ nigger mutts just means more subhumans for my superior children to enslave and exploit

this blackincel is even worse than that depressive turk guy
only death can save this creature

Of course not

What the fuck is wrong with this board?
Who let the monkeyzillian out?

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>Why yes I'm a White and Germanic South Brazilian (a.k.a. Südbrasilianische Übermensch) and staunch defender of the White Race in Brazil, how did you know?

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My sister is married to a Turkish guy, who is absolutely awesome: uneducated and unemployed, but he has charisma and great sense of humour so it is impossible for me to get bored in his company. My sister owns a small business, she earns huge money, so she concluded that her husband doesn't need to earn money at all and his only task is to care about house, children and make food for her.

It’s sad he’s spends all this time posting this yet gets angry about any white man + brazil women

Just read what he wrote here > women like men who are rapists and serial killers

I almost feel like I have a moral obligation to report him to authorities in case he actually tries it

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Retards don't question life much, that's true.
They live on basic instincts, like rats or cockroaches.
You'll be the first in your family to commit suicide, user.
I give you 5 years tops.

Niggers dont kill themselves they starve to death or get killed by other niggers instead

>the blackincel response is stating that you're aryan
only the rope can fix his soul