Do Americans think expansion and improvement of public transportation systems are communism?

Do Americans think expansion and improvement of public transportation systems are communism?

Public transportation systems are good. No insurance fee, no self-maintenance, cheap cost, high efficiency, no roadrage

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it is communism or socialism

Suburbanites here hate public transport because it has the potential to harm their home values (more traffic, possibly more crime, more noise from buses/trains, etc.) And yes some even go so far as to call it communism. It's quite irritating honestly.

No it's just way too fucking expensive

isnt*, also the main issue is if it is worth it. intercity travel would probably be best but intracity travel may be too much except for dense areas like the northeast

public transportation is for poor people

It would still take forever to get anywhere. Euro cunts are like 25 miles long

swapped inter and intra city i am too drunked rite now

I ride subway in Tokyo once. I will tell u why we America no want public transportation or subway.

Jap subway very smell like fart,old Jap like to fart inside the subway. I was consumed with fart sushi smell from drunken salaryman. Also, old Jap rike to pick their nose while sit across from me. It is very disgust me.

Finally, during the rush hours,it is a very crowded.Cannot move,it get very sweat and smelly inside the subway cart.I not like it. Then the salaryman or christmas cake lady try to grab my genitals.And they all fart and vomit on the subway. Now image this scenario with nigs and obese mexicans. It is a not good, don't u think so Hiroshi?

The end

It's less expensive than roads over time. That's what's always ignored by cager shills. If the federal government didn't subsidize highways then lots of states wouldn't even have efficient roads at all.

Which one is it?

Unironically, memes aside, seriously, tbfh, public transportation is unpredictable and full of the lowest scum of society. Driving or biking to/form work saves you from the pain in the ass that is public transportation and makes your day better

I see you have never tried to drive through Seattle during rush hour.

it is expensive for the government or city to pay for and it is for poor people

>Source: Trust me dude

It's an expense. You call it expensive because you are a suburbanite who values roads and other inefficient gay shit over public transport.

>Do Americans think
no, they never do.

>his country is barely the size of California

You made the original claim and provided no source. Kind of hypocritical honestly.

Rightoids call anything the government does that they don't like communism. If it makes peoples lives easier, it's communism.

We have public transport and it's privatised and owned by the Jew. Travelling from one city to another via train is often more expensive than return tickets to fly to other EU countries. They're hardly on time, slow, and the rail is hardly efficient. They even throw up the prices by 4%~ every 6 months.

>You made the original claim and provided no source. Kind of hypocritical honestly.

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No one is asking for national public transport. You are attacking a straw man. It's hard enough to get it built for cities. Thats actually the issue. Places that would actually benefit from it can't build it properly because the political system is outright hostile to them.

I've heard this from a number of Europeans before, train autists in the US hand wave it away. People would rather take Ryanair than a train lol

Train autists don't support privatization because it ruins everything (which is why it is often done.)

We actually had this plan for high speed rail to be built from one side of the country to the other, most cities connected. Would have been great for travelling and further connecting the cities around the country since there's a fucking massive disconnect between London and the rest. The other cities have been neglected for decades while London has flourished. The government is now thinking about dropping the plan entirely. We're stuck with the private Jew and it only gets worse each year. It's fucking ridiculous given the prices go up but there's zero improvements in the trains themselves, reliability, or service.

>it isnt expensive to make a whole train system out of nowhere
okay mr moneybags

The greatest period of train travel in the US was when passenger trains were privately operated

You are right. Smell is often problem.

Wish all cagers disappeared
Regular cagers
Flying cagers
Cagers on rail
All need to go

I heard your water supply business was also owned by private sector and it fucked it up :(

No but the costs make it prohibitive for small towns and rural areas. Cities have public transport but my small town of 5,000 people didn't.

Haven't heard anything about that. Water's been fine as far as I know. The worst things are internet speeds/prices for wifi and data, public transport costs, and housing costs if you live in or near London

They became highly regulated because they were extorting farmers. Not exactly the best example.

It isn't if you ignore suburban/urban home owners' whining about muh noise.

I'm never going to ride the nigger mover no matter how much you faggots shill it.

user, you are not white yourself

>suburb cuck
Typical. Ironically enough your preferred policies actually encourage negrification of suburbs since they eventually get pushed out of the inner cities by the constantly increasing house prices you love so much.

I live in the city dumbass

Must be a shit city if you enjoy driving around in it.

>Must be a shit city
can't really argue with that, but driving sure beats taking the bus

Literally irrelevant

Your housing expenses are notorious. I have heard about that several times in news

It's interesting that Chicago seems to be the center of the railway network

Attached: Amtrack National route map.png (1894x1080, 2.09M)

American rail started in the east and worked it's way west, english teacher.

Americans think everything is socialism

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