/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

antisocial edition

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>living in your car isn't actually homeless
i had no house or apartment, it is homeless, a small cramped car is homeless you dumbfuck

mega fart

Flat earth redpill

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Does Mexico have a wall on it's southern border? How are you fellas going to handle all the Brazilian refugees when they finish turning their country into a desert?



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what was the other place that got rid of their trees, haiti no?

yes it does yet it's racist for usa to to put a border against mexico

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that doesn't exist

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This doesn't look like the landscape of the Guatemalan border lol. Last time I saw a meme like this it was with the Israeli border, and that's secured because it's a literal warzone and Israel has the worst neighbors ever.

clearly shopped, stupid


4 sleeps away

Did you go to Vietnam guys?

Rainforest soils are notoriously shit. The plant life in rainforests is so dense that all the soils were depleted eons ago. The soil is thin, acidic, and nutrient poor. Furthermore, there is so much damn rain that any nutrients that get added into the soil from decomposing organic matter are just washed away. The forest is sustained because there are fungi that live in symbiotic relationships with the plants. They grow on the plant roots and capture nutrients in exchange for food. This produces a VERY thin layer of good soil that sits on a bunch of bullshit that's little better than just sand. When you burn the forest down and plant shit like soy, all the fungi die because soy and grass aren't adapted to host them. Therefore the means of replenishing this very very thin layer of good soil is lost forever. So when they burn the jungle down and plant crops on it, within a few years their soil is shit out of nutrients and their shit is dustbowled for basically forever.

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Do you mean America?

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You’re not out on the street sleeping on a bench
You weren’t homeless

Would you die for America?

>virgin forests are the only types of forests
have sex

>in 2019
fuck off, leaf

Attached: USA reforestation.jpg (283x178, 9K)

My dad barely avoided getting drafted. The war ended in the year he turned 18 (1975).

they just dump chemicals/manure on it before planting. it'll be fine.

stop posting boring maps and post bitches with big titties

And? Would you want to get there for America?

bitches with big kitties

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>he thinks roastie forests with multiple reforestations are just as good as virg


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I would, ukrainians are good soldiers.

omg go to /b/ you freak

if i dont want to go to college what should i do

I wouldn't want to be drafted, but I don't know if I'd avoid joining the army if I was needed. If it was a defensive war I'd definitely join.

the real

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Artificial fertilizers aren't miracle workers.
Furthermore, at current consumption levels there is only 80 years worth of phosphorous left before all known supplies run dry, and artificial fertilizers as we understand them cease to exist. The problem here is that demand is growing exponentially as technology improves in the 3rd world, so we actually have far far less than 80 years. This WILL happen and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The only question is to bite the bullet now and transition away from artificial fertilizers in a controlled manner, or have it all come crashing down.
Places like the US and Europe can do agriculture without artificial fertilizers. It will require a radical restructuring of our agricultural systems and a nontrivial drop in standard of living, but it can be done, conceptually.
Brazil cannot. Their soil is too bullshit poor to sustain any semblance of industrialized agriculture without these fertilizers, and even then they have to keep burning new land to make up for the land that gets depleted.
If their rainforest goes they will have literally nothing left.

i work as a map analyst, please stop, this shit is boring


Attached: World Population Cartogram 2015.png (7088x3008, 761K)

>scroll through /tv/ on my phone at work
>someone posted that one Uncle Ben copypasta where he asks Peter to destroy his porn collection
>audibly laugh at it
>coworker next to me asks what I'm laughing at
>tell him he wouldn't like it
>he says he has a "pretty fucked up sense of humor"
>show it to him
>"oh Jow Forums, okay"
>he barely gets through a couple sentences of the pasta before giving up
do you think he thought I was weird?

>google that
i hope this is bait user

ayo hol up Canada only has 35 million people? that has to be wrong

you can't just openly tell ppl that you post on 4ch
its cringe af


thread theme

Only have 17 dollars left
Money is tight
They’re a small country

I didn't, he did
I was hoping he wouldn't recognize it. I was using clover too with a dark theme, so he must've been able to tell by the greentext

did a burg

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Canada has so little amount of people in it we need immigration

Is that what the Chinese told you?

why isn't there peanut butter on it. I personally would never eat a burger without peanut butter.

they'll figure something out. they can modify the plants or come up with alternative fertilizers. agriculture science is big, you just know their already working on these things. I would like to discuss this more and address some of your other points, but real talk on Jow Forums is annoying.

Seems more like you have nothing to say


>t. nigger

>know this part Native American girl
>clearly mixed looking
>people call her white so she shouldn’t talk about Native issues
>her family are literally tribal chairmen
Americans are the stupidest people on race that have to exist

Are you white? Are only white americans ready to fight for America?

me soon

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I'm white. Some guys would join the military no matter what. Some would be more reluctant.

>they can modify the plants or come up with alternative fertilizers
There are farming strategies which rely on multi-cropping and other forms of pseudo-organic bullshit which have been yielding surprisingly good returns and have become increasingly popular in recent years. The idea is that by planting crops in the same plot which feed each other essential nutrients symbiotically as they grow together, you don't need the fertilizer. The catch is that growing multiple plants on the same plot of land makes harvesting substantially more complicated so a lot of current agricultural machinery would have to be reworked essentially from the ground up.

However, this is better than
>dude just make it so that the only crops which can survive are proprietary GMO blends
Because it involves a future in which we aren't all Monsanto's literal serfs.

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The big GRE test is tomorrow. It is like 4 hrs though how the fuck do i plan out meals or water? i dont want to have to shit and pee during it but would being fasted hurt my brain power?


the BEST vanilla pvp video of all time

>female orc warrior
based, same

how fucking fat are you that you can't control your bowels for four hours

Might get another few drops of rum

assuming this isn't bait, just eat before the test. drink some water even earlier knowing you'll pee before you have to leave.

wear a cute diaper!

Eat a moderate meal about a half hour before taking the test. Enough to make you feel energized, not enough to make you feel sleepy or scatterbrained. Don't drink a lot of coffee, you'll just end up having to go take a piss halfway through. The stress will keep you awake anyway. Do use the restroom prior to sitting the exam, obviously. The most important thing now is to relax. Don't do hardcore cramming bullshit at this point. It's more important that you feel as confident and low-strung as reasonably possible.

vanilla/BC wow pvp videos were pure kino

Why is Japan twice as big as the USA on this map despite the USA having twice as many people?

White are dying folk, who will fight for America when white will be little minority.



maybe a jap made it trynna flex on nigguhs

Do you think blacks can support America in future?

chad mexicans can

>someone literally spent hours making this

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Nah, they can't do shit. What what's going in their country

good times


Is easy fall in depression alone but not easy get out of it. One of this days.

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don't teach your momma how do sex. she knows

Moving to Oregon next year

>falling asleep while driving
dangerous desu

>spill a few drops of rum on a paper
>don't have to worry about cleaning it up because it'll evaporate

>bought Chartreuse
>it just tastes like toothpaste

The water will evaporate but the sugars in the liquid will be left behind, dummy, clean that shit up.

i'm sorrby bud, things'll get better. i'm sure of it.

I think the taste varies a lot


This guy was super famous on my server, was very hard to kill and made good use of engi and other rare items.

funny to watch how bad people were back then, backpeddling and keyboard turning.

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are you kidding? if he's not larping he is fucked for life.

i hope to be in new hampshire by 10 years from now

i hope to live with that user in new hampshire by 10 years from now

So I looked it up and apparently Mexico doesn't have a wall on their southern border but they've riddled the place with a 3-tiered system of military checkpoints and since 2015 has also deported more people back south than the US has deported people back to Mexico.

gf is seething about how a cop in Arizona asked to see her drivers license but not mine

Why do people even live in Arizona? What is the point of continuing to sustain civilization in such a place, where there's nothing really of value and nature spends every moment trying to tell you to fuck off with the sun?

too bad he didn't deport that smelly beaner

Were not from Arizona
Just passing through

I wish. I need to try something but I reach that point when everything seems meaningless and worthless to do.

I never larp.

I don't believe you. your English skills vary quite a lot. I admit it's a good gimmick though, seen it make niggas seeth pretty hard.

wow, who knew that 400k a year made you such good money

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every time i get a blood the person says "oh thank god" I wonder what that means. my guess is it's where the crease between my forearm and tricep and bicep meet
