>roomates gf is over, i say hello since im friends with roomate
>she looks up from her phone, looks at me, looks back
>i say nice to meet you, she rolls eyes, looks back at phone and says "yeah nice"
>roomate does jim face
wtf guys i was just trying to be nice
Why are people so rude
>y-you too
what is jim face?
maybe shes just an awful person or you're leaving something out about your autism
idk, either she's spoiled or was in a bad mood
I think its this one
literally just happened like i said.
she can smell the incel on you
Is she the same race as you
i am not an incel
shes a redhead but we are both white
yes you are
>she can smell the incel on you
have sex
Why are you trying to interact with someone who doesn't even greet you back? Are you retarded?
>have sex
well im not going to interact with her now. you just dont know how to be nice to guests in your home
>have sex
You know she's there to get dicked down nigg why do you have to make her conscious of your presence, even then she sounds like a thot so why do you care what she does.
because i try to be nice to people
She is unpolite and a retard for not saying hello to the dwellers of the house she's in. You did nothing wrong, next time just ignore her.
Post more cute birds
heres a dancing parrot
yes, she's a bitch. That's what you wanted to hear right?