Women shouldn't have the right to be politicians

Women shouldn't have the right to be politicians.

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Women shouldn't be allowed to be anything but a breeding device. They are useless for anything else

I want to stick my erect penis inside of Luciana León's vagina.

GIMME 2 3 OR 7

roll 5 or 7

when and where's the shooting guys?

>Latino countries only have their whiter, minority become politicians
>the US has Latino politicians who accurately represent their people
baka, latinos are racist af

Why are most of them left-wing?

It's just incels voting for them because they're cute women. That's it. If these girls were older and not cute they wouldn't be in office

becuase both women and leftism is the future you racist crumpet eater




roll for AOC

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Quiero que Brenda Cardenas y Kritza Perez se sienton en mi cara

Bolivia, I...

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Ocasio looks like a mosquito. Love how she triggers the rightards tho

>I'd like a number 3, 5, or 0, please.

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She is uglier than hell


Left-wing is for low T humans.
Women and Soyboys


That's what coping right-wing French faggots say to themselves?

Usually I can agree to disagree, but in her case she is objectively ugly as hell

no, they're based,redpilled and make the left seethe

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She's the ugliest of the lot though

What's going on here and why is there seething in the comment section?

Based and redpilled, but unfortunately there's 4.7 million Muslims in Germany, which is like 4 times New Zealands population in 1939 which was a colony of the British empire back then

leftist asshurt. personally i support feiglin but i appriciate ayelets capacity to make the left assblasted.

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would creampie every single one of them

ngl I'll take 8

>comment section
Go back to faceberg schlomo cuck

And right wing for incels and mass shooters. Imma go with the left.


What else do you call it then?


she looks like an alien
what soulless black eyes

AOC is the cutest tbqh others look NPC

>look up kritza perez
>pic related is her son

How the fuck are you going to waste your genes like this?

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It's like that, libtard, do you consider Saint Brenton incel? I'd think that I know your answer and either way; consider listening to this; vocaroo.com/i/s0fzztlBtPo5

Anything other than comment section

>Saint Brenton
Lel your Saint is that other incel loser from your country that ran over a lot of people. Both as ugly as each other tho don't get me wrong. Going for unarmed unaware people. He even was the one that made the world incel viral. Canada: the land of incelism.

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Cope harder schlomo, look at your country map first then come back

>He engaged with inecent people who was unarmed

>4 days later some Muslim punks ran over a crowd of "unarmed" people

>He is incel faggot

Coping feels undesirable

She's not that big of a looker herself honestly, just in shape.

this. will latin america ever overcome white supremacy?

Yes yes very white hihi

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>No Genesis Arjona

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Paper bag and you're fine. Her man face is the real problem.

Rolling for #5

I want AOC big milkers in my mouth

why are latin man so impotent that their women do this