Do you prefer northern Chinese people or Southern Chinese people?

Do you prefer northern Chinese people or Southern Chinese people?

Attached: download (11).jpg (840x473, 109K)


you are south chinese

I'm becoming a sinoboo as of late. What do I do about it?

what are the cultural differences between north & south?

How'd you know?
That's fine. Don't just try not to obsessed over the politics and wars of China though or else you'll be like every Chinese boomer ever. So long as you never attempt to learn Mandarin you'll be good.

you said so last time

What's wrong with Mandarin?

From experience, northerners are more civilized, straightforward, and more materialistic. Southerners are more incline to more traditional values.

It's a waste of time and very difficult to learn.

are they the ones who are usually involved in real estate buisness in places like canada california & aus?

Most of them, yes. Northeners are usually taller and whiter in skin tone as well. Luckily there is no prejudice between Southern and Northeners, we are all Chinese



Pretty much

>At dinner Deng Xiaoping said, "I must congratulate you, you've done a good job in Singapore." I said, "Oh, how's that?" He says, "I came to Singapore on my way to Marseilles in 1920. It was a lousy place. You have made it a different place." I said, "Thank you. Whatever we can do, you can do better. We are the descendants of the landless peasants of south China. You have the mandarins, the writers, the thinkers and all the bright people. You can do better." He looked at me, but said nothing.
N*rthrons BTFO

Deng is from Sichuan though

Deng Xiaoping was an great leader. I miss him :(

southron chinese are my YVE BVLL brothers no matter how much the han borg brainwashed them

t. Lizard-worshiping junglenigger
南蛮 are no match for the SHANDONG BVLL

>not based Jiang Jemin

Jiang Zemin is top 3 in my book, looks like my uncle

North Chinese are mongol chads. South Chinese would be better off as ladyboys.

We're too ugly to be ladyboys

Attached: stewie2k-profile-picture.jpg (300x400, 16K)

They did do better retard. Singapoor isn’t going to eclipse the US anytime soon.

Idk I might still hit it

Attached: B2C3A7C1-3166-418D-AD98-A89559B88BB7.jpg (856x448, 166K)

Your pic is from north China chad capital Beijing.

more like shadong insect

t. manlet

You obviously have never met many northerners who are forced to come south for employment opportunities.

itt chinksect proxies menace talking under different flags

Attached: asian skull compared to caucasian skull.webm (600x1080, 480K)

Mandarin actually sounds like a language unlike Cantonese

Accept Xi as your one and only deity

Attached: tangrobe.jpg (602x704, 54K)

why are chineese so alpha

I'm just generalising

I honestly don't know what Chinese are

the northerners seem like autistic drones

the southerners seem like autistic amphibians or slug creatures

It's like the animosity between the North and South Island squared, and the southerners do not feel the need to travel north.

Northerners are more attractive than southerners.


Attached: chang.png (607x582, 795K)

Northerners are more attractive than southerners.

>Jiang Zemin

So you really liked Tiananmen 1989 huh

There's a theory that the monolid is a sort of evolutionary response to cold climates, and may have helped people store fat and see during snowstorms better.

Seeing the whole face structure kind of "chub up" and sort of circle the eyes makes me believe that theory.

It's pretty obvious that fatty deposits around the sensitive eyeballs are there for cold resistance

Northerners are significantly taller than Southerners who are also more brown skinned.

Look at HK, they are twinks, even though they should habe the best nutritions.