Hello Jow Forums

hello Jow Forums

Attached: aamukahvit.jpg (1276x1280, 125K)

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Perkele on paras kirosana

perustettu ja punapilleröity!

Hi :)

sup fag

shave that goatee mate

hi, how are you doing?

no u

yeah i will

don't shave that goatee mate

Jazza, shave your catfish beard please

ok i won't

shave that goatee mate

tomorrow when i have to leave my apartment

don't shave that goatee mate

are lithuanians are more /fa/ than americans? i don't know which one to believe anymore

shave that goatee mate

I'm good a little sleepy might go to bed soon
hope you are doing well :)

are americans more /fa/ than lithuanians? i don't know which one to believe anymore

just tell people it's an ironic goatee

oh i just woke up and now i'm enjoying my morning coffee, what time is it there?

1:00 am

