Alternate timelines you wish were true

Post alternate maps you wish were true

Attached: Union_of_Europe_(No_Napoleon).png (1088x998, 95K)

>muh preuBen

Absolutely shitty map. It will be impossible to have this borders in reality.

>hey guys, check out my GROSSPREUSSEN

Attached: 271.png (540x299, 136K)

shit map, polish commonwealth should arise again

nice containment area for all the autists, maniacs and LARPers
The sane Germans still have their own country

Attached: british greenland.png (1920x956, 47K)

Attached: z1uy4x2whkk21.jpg (3550x2142, 525K)

This. We deserve.

You mean the duchy of warzaw?

Why is it always an aussie flag with such a boner for muh grosspreussengermania?
Not even burger heritagefags jerk off to it so much and they arguably have more reason to.
There's a reason why pr*ssia is gone, even other germs had constant conflicts with it.


Attached: what should be.png (1348x1148, 66K)

Goid thing it's not Gaymar

tf i love this

one where (((australia's))) official flag is this.

and it prob, would have been if not for communism.

Attached: China Ancient.jpg (300x199, 10K)

Australian history is incredibly boring and lackluster so we tend to wewuz a lot. People shit on America but at least they had a war of independance, civil war, ww1, ww2, vietnam, korea etc.

Literally nothing happened in australia apart from a war with people quite literally stuck in the stone age, genocide and then telling britain "yeah we want to be a sovereign country now".

Here's mine.

Attached: Europa_Afrika_og_Amerika-fixed.png (5176x4176, 553K)


Europe Universalis? Good game

why do people always unite holland and belgium
we hate belgium

Literally the perfect world map

Holy based

Agreed, but this is not a eu4 outcome.

I know. Literally perfect.

we don't. we love them. flemish people are our friends. fuck the subhuman wallonians though

You do realize the Batavian republic was created by Napoleon right.

neck yourself, cockroach

>Germany without Prussia or Austria to form/lead it
Just awful
Here's my contribution though

Attached: napoleon's empire2.png (415x422, 14K)


Based except for the socalist republic.