Nooooooooooo not taylor bros

nooooooooooo not taylor bros

>Jow Forumstards on suicide watch

Attached: taylor-swift-lover-video-thatgrapejuice-600x473.jpg (600x473, 45K)

>nah bro I just post inter racial bait ironically haha

Fuck holywood, fuck popstars, i wish them all dead anyways.

What happened, just a year ago she was a popular popstar that did her thing and now she’s a full blown activist thats pro lgbt, pro refugees etc?

based fuck w*itoids. get fucked Jow Forums.

>BMWF thread
>not made by an american
that's new.

why does this look so hot, guys

Chemicals in her food probably

The interracial spammers have always been predominantly Asian, makes sense that an Australian flag would post this

she had to make up for all of her blatant racism. jews gave her two choices
>kill your career

that time Jow Forumstards were pushing this bitch as Aryan goddess

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First thing when i become rich and powerful is I find a way to destroy hollywood and the music industry

Lmao browsing through the comments you can tell which comment is from a normie and which one is from a butthurt 4shitter

>"Now that her career is fizzling out,she wants to be woke , girl please we can see through your phoniness. Casting a black man to be politically correct when it's obvious you're not attracted or ever dated one in your life. Anyway stan Ariana Grande unproblematic beautiful queen "

Thank you Tay, for showing young white girls around the world that it's ok to love your black man, that love knows no colors but in fact it's more beautiful when it has two. #LetsMixIt

Who cares?

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why were Jow Forumsacks obsessed with taylor swift anyway?

nah that's a libtard, Ariana is a coalburner

she used to post on /b/


is that Music video or something

It was mostly Canadians and Turks.

so chinks

>unproblematic beautiful queen
How long have you been here