Is this why Mexico genocided their Chinese immigrants?

Is this why Mexico genocided their Chinese immigrants?

Attached: latinas riced.png (605x612, 342K)

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What is happening

A random Asian tourist is being swarmed by thirsty spic women


Because latinas crave rice

latina buit for changs

I'm guessing there's more to the video than what the title claims

no zhang, sinoids are the least sexually demorphic race and therefore less attractive, the reason mexicans kicked out chinese people is because mexicans were based nationalists back then and they didnt want parasitical chinks and jews in their country

The absolute state of Koreaboos

i hope mexick revives the gold shirts ome day

why do Latinas love yellow BVLLS?

Oh really?

Attached: history repeats.png (1133x159, 17K)

the genocided them because the Chinese were more succesful than Mexicans even though they arrived as illiterate seamen and railworkers that actually wanted to go to California (USA), and because they were taking women jobs and were also succesful at it

they can have some of our women, idc
latinas who go with asians do so because they are koreaboos or because they hate machismo culture.

because Asians are better than Mestizos

we beat our women and control their lives more and when they get tired of that they go for asiana

the same accusation was held against the earliest waves of chinese immigrants. interestingly, it was the irish and other prejudiced non-anglo races who were the most outspoken in their aggression against the chinese.

they're trying to bully him, fucking spics. classic teenage bitch tactic.


>Chinks dindu nuffin

asian is not a race, do you mean sinoids or all people who originate from asia?


Zhang why do you constantly shitpost with .PNG files?

You really don’t want anybody to find you huh? ;)

Also, are you a proxy & in the mainland? There’s no way you’d be shitposting at 3am - 6am in the States, unless you’re that much of a fucking loser

many mexican posters are diaspora from other countries, dont believe ibero americans are self hating
his statement is pretty stupid, asia is not even a race and if he meant all mongoloids his statement is contradictory because amerindians are mongoloida too

Racist always seem to make that claim about foreigners though

chinese (han only) and jews are parasitical merchant races and being racist against them is ok

And where are you proxying from then you fucking loser? It's only 12 in hawaii BTW


Ching chang ching!!
Haha, Jokes! You are obviously not chinese you dumb dark skinned american. you are just upset because you can not fit in with the people you grew up with

chinkoid plan to take over the americas and western world:

As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself descendants of Yan and Huang.

Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs

Will the centre of the world civilization shift back to China?

The first pressing issue facing us is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race.

Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.

Therefore, solving the issue of America is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race.

Only by using special means to clean up America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.

We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up america all of a sudden.

Attached: 1558291053774.jpg (384x497, 66K)

why are there so many italians fucking mexican girls, all of my cousins keep mentioning their boyfriend is italian

We dont care as long as blacks dont fuck them, we are already a mixed race group of people anyways

The eternal wetback cuckold.

Mexicano es una nacionalidad no una etnicidad, no me importa que se cogan a mexicanas mientras no sean las de mi rancho