Hello Jow Forums. I am a white person

Hello Jow Forums. I am a white person
Ask me anything

Attached: cartoon-funny-crocodile-waving-hand_29190-2758.jpg (626x788, 92K)

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How does it feel to be white?

Yours are doomed.

How does it feel only being able to go out of your house at night? Don't you wish you could know what the sun feels ike?

Pretty good

Hej, fellow white person.
There are fewer and fewer of us every year.

Attached: 1552560631729.png (658x527, 210K)


I love the sun and have never gotten sunburn


If you don't burn you aren't white, must be fake news.

he lives in denmark. would be burnt after 5 minutes in aus sun.

Nope. You probably forgot my people used to rule ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome

Still I doubt he never left his country

Why you gotta mix your Nordic genetic pool with Mediterraneans.

Do you suck dicks?

I like doing charity work

No that's haram

For real though the concept "white" is a little stupid by itself, I don't think Meds, Slavs, Nordics or Anglos should belong to the same category or even be compared.

I personally dont think whites and meds are the same species

Meds and slavs are not white

пpивeт ты oхyeл?

Do you like me ?

Hitler is this you

1. Why do your women love being blacked and having half-African children?

2. Why are you letting in so many Somalis, sub-Saharans and Middle Easterners to live off welfare and multiply?

and that's a good thing

Does your wife's bf know that you post on Jow Forums?

No, it's not you stupid zoomer.
But you'll see. Eventually you'll see.

thoughts on taylor swift new video? youtube.com/watch?v=-BjZmE2gtdo

shut the fuck up retard you'll be dead in a few years why do you care about what happens in the future
and even if you lived forever you're an ugoo recluse shut in your room all day I guarantee


>it makes no sense to group meds, nordics, slavs in the same group
>meds and slavs are not white
>hitler is this you?

I don't know you

1. I don't know why women date certain people and neither do I care

2. The idea is that these people will eventually become law-abiding citizens who contribute to our economy. I don't believe it but whatever


I don't listen to Taylor Swift

Niggers taking over means evolution is going backward. Not a good thing.

dumb boomer thinking that some sensational plot to "kill the white race" will unfold to make his boring neet life more exciting
you're going down the grave soon, and it will be for reasons as uneventful and devoid of feeling as the way you lived life

if you're incapable you don't have a say in the development of the future, except for maybe hollywood media. do you care for that garbage?

Why are white people arrogant

When you ruled the entire world it makes sense why you would think less of those who didn't.

Oook ook eek eek, monkey man.

But you don't anymore , we used to rule the world too , we are not arrogant

enjoy getting bred out of existence, crackkka subhuman

When did Arabs rule the world?

In my opinion younger whites are more empathetic than other people

I don't interact with whites out of int , I maybe shouldn't have judged people from here
> when did Arabs rule the world
The golden age of Islam , granted they didn't have a military presence in every corner of the world , but it was the most advanced civilization that time


Both those answers sound absolutely retarded. It sounds like you have no control over your own women and your own government. And for 1. you didn't even answer the question, although it is an observable phenomenon. It's not just about dating, it's very often that I see a single white woman carrying 1 or 2 half-blacks in a pram or with half-black toddlers.

>When you ruled the entire world

But Danes didn't rule anything. At most you ruled some other pathetic Nordoids. Don't appropriate the accomplishments of your betters, you aren't English, French, Dutch or Romans.

Impressive nonetheless

Finns are not white either

>talks about white people in general
>hurr durr your an dane ahhh

Ok this is based
He is right tho

Why would you feel superior for the accomplishments of other people? That would be like Hungarians feeling proud of what Germans achieved. Absolutely retarded.

Found the turk

I don’t. He asked why white people are arrogant and gave him an answer.


Yes, I can tell that you are. Germans should do 1864 again to calm you down.

>Hello Jow Forums. I am a white person
>Ask me anything
does this melt or heart as much as it melts mine?
they are so freaking cute, I can't even-

Attached: lover.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)


What's your faivorite dish from your national cuiseine ?


But that's exactly what you are doing by claiming others' achievements.

It bothers me they both don’t sit at the end of the table


mous 08/23/19(Fri)08:44:00 No.110278562lover.jpg (373 KB, 1920x1080) google yandex iqdb wait
373 KB

>Hello Jow Forums. I am a white person
>Ask me anything
>does this melt or heart as much as it melts mine?
>they are so freaking cute, I can't even-


>Anonymous 08/23/19(Fri)08:51:53 No.110278881
>It bothers me they both don’t sit at the end of the table

it would get on the way of their desert and an otherwise comfortable dinner

Do you like bananas?