And that's good

And that's good

Attached: nuts2-fertility-rate.jpg (1600x1600, 885K)

look at those FRENCH BVLLS

Why is Poland so low? I thought they wuz christians n conservative n shiet

Only low IQ people have children. Humanity is doomed

Jow Forums told me eastern europeans were traditional and conservative

Fuck off mongoloids. Not your business.

would you feel like having sex if you lived in Eastern Europe?

Would you?

Yes. Their girls are hot

What's with Poland? Thought they were doing pretty well...

World population should be limited at 20 million people max.

It will be soon

Yes but the men are not they all look the same

Ohh look this always more powerful than mine country has less babies because don't admit rapefugees… Maybe I should shittalk it because I' m only unemployed suicidal mongoloid…
T. Incel Zhang

I'm asking a simple question, you insecure retard.

Damn imagine if that was actually true

But Finnish women are having lots of children with Africans

>living in eastern europe
rather kill mtself desu

low/stable birth rate is good, the problem is solely immigration

Look at men like this and now you understand why none of them are having sex

Yes, ok. Arrg, very angry. Darn Poland.

Attached: 8feda70d-046e-4eb1-a4ad-617f9705b45e.jpg (650x365, 33K)

of course they are when the alternative is incels like you

Look, all I want is a cute twink bf, is that so much to ask for?

You have no clue how vile p0lish w0men can be
None of you do

Polish women are cute and nice, you're just spreading lies because you want them all for yourself.

europe is severely overpopulated so its a very good thing

>te wielokropki
>ten instant ból dupska
>ten defensywny ton wywołany suchymi faktami
>ta nieumiejętność radzenia sobie z rzeczywistością
Ja pierdolę, masz 5 lat czy 50? Zajeb się, idioto, bo aż wstyd to czytać.

>this is your mind on Jow Forums
5 IQ and -5 self-awareness

too bad you're importing the amount to make up for the loss

yes because our p*liticians are subhuman retards

Do marry one and enjoy your alimony 2 years later when she sleeps with some brownoid, blames it on you, and decides to rob you of everything, including kids even you were a 10/10 dad and kids live you. I met tons of cases like this in recent years. And it's not just anecdotes, our divorce rates used to be very low but it's fucking skyrocketing nowadays. We're catching up to the west in all the wrong ways.
One would expect them to take the best from west and east and be educated and ambitious while remaining somewhat conservative, instead but 90% of them did the opposite and turned very liberal while remaining backwards and stupid.
The whole le based polan savior of white race gives me nothing but a bitter chuckle because the way things are going now we will be the ones to collapse long before the westoids. I see nothing but blackpills.

have sex
the future depends on it

if it makes you feel any better, polish women abroad have precisely that same stereotype about them.
even my doctor (a woman) once warned me to the dangers of the polish menace, because aparently there were a bunch of cases in my bumfuck nowere town where they took everything from their husbands

meanwhile, polish colleagues tend to be 10/10 in my field along with czechs, both are some of the most profissional people I've worked with

>even you were a 10/10 dad and kids live
fucking autocorrect

Why would it make me feel any better though

similar thing happened here LOL

What is saying is an absolute truth. In addition, vast majority of them have borderline personality disorder and severe case of princess complex. My mother is a perfect example, she's emotionally unstable bitch who used to physically and mentally harrass me when I was a kid. My sisters aren't like that, thank God, but there are really just few exceptions from that rule.

The girl I lost my virginity to (and the only one I ever had sex with) was half Belarussian. I will never, EVER enter relationship with a p*lish woman.

Do NOT fall for the p*lish women meme.