1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Do you think this is real or just cope

Attached: smv_curve1-1024x502.jpg (1024x502, 29K)

Halt die Fresse du Opfer

>being this mad

women are expected to give birth to children so their peak is earlier in their lifetime when they're healthier, younger, less likely to die at childbirth and have other undesirable side effects and such
men are expected to be warriors and hunters so their peak is later in their lifetime when their strength, endurance and durability can be at their highest levels
this is all biologically speaking if we're talking pure looks then idk i guess

Attached: kurisu.jpg (1440x810, 67K)


it's just primate behavior
like how older female chimpanzee are more desirable because they don't stop ovulating and are better at child rearing

no, men also peak in their 20s (maybe late 20s tho unlike women) but their sexual value doesnt decline as drastically

i mean srsly who tf wants a man in his late 30s, most men are fat and balding and wrinkly around that age

Women in their late 30s look even worse desu


Attached: Skärmklipp.png (375x337, 247K)

Thought this was bell curve at first lol


Cope in the sense that mean peak in their 30s. Men also experience a decline but to a lesser degree than women

Girls peak at 14 and maintain that peak until 16 then they start declining.

Peak in their 40s*

all based

true, but my point is that men peaking in their late 30s is just false

I really hate women

It's not really though have you heard of money and status

1. Women always have higher sexual market value than men, regardless of age. A 35-year-old woman is long past her peak, and her SMV is lower than a teenage girl, but still much higher than most men.
2. Most men never really peak, they weren't desirable at 15 and they still won't be at 40. But for the few men that women find attractive, the graph is correct, because they'll still be handsome in their 30s, plus have money and status.

It’s true.
That men and women should get in to a relationship at the same age is a modern value.

if you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose??

Attached: Heidi+Klum+s+kids+0hYqdTa3ZKUx.jpg (1019x1024, 384K)

me on the right

Can you link to the whole article. The woman decline seems too steep and the man peak too late I’d say.

this is a good question and every guy knows the answer.

Most men are not more attractive at 30 than they were at 25. Anyone who believes this is a deluded retard

the teenager on the right of course

This. Unless you were an attractive 25 year old, you're not going to magically become attractive at 40. An attractive 40 year old was a very attractive 25 year old. An ugly 40 year old was probably an average 25 year old. Looks depreciate with age.

>only looks matter, status and money doesn't

What about Benjamin Button?

I'd argue men in their early 20's SMV is even lower than that. But otherwise pretty accurate.

I feel like I'm probably at my peak right now and my attractiveness will decrease around my 40s. Happened to my father too.

SMV doesn't include just looks. It refers to how attractive you are to the opposite sex in general. Since men tend to get wealthier with age and since women care a lot about money, then men's SMV obviously increases.

what is smv

sexual market value

We're not all poor micks

women peak in their 20's because that's when there most fertile.
men peak at their 30's becuase they have accumulated enough resources by then, women want to leech of off them.