You wake up in Tokyo

>you wake up in Tokyo

Attached: destination_tokyo.jpg (1680x560, 177K)

go to the nearest konbini for fried chicken and a 0.5l strong zero

go to a sento and bathe


Escape to Kyoto.

Kyoto is packed to the brim with chinese tourists, I hated it

find a beautiful jap woman, lure her into a quiet place and rape her, then kill her and run away.

what were they like

lol kys


Attached: strong zero boomer sip.jpg (1189x881, 166K)


probably kms

>hiragana only
based as fuck, i'm learning it right now, i'm about to memorize it all.

This is unironically the arab mindset

loud and disrespectful

i don't know i just want you to kill yourself?
don't ask difficult question

why exactly is that bad?

Well i'm not gonna kill myself, i just want you to know that i dont hate japs, its just that im too much of an incel to have normal sex with a jap woman, so i have to rape.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you did

im not surprised either

I'd go get a CAT scan of my brain because I have no idea how I got there.

so what?

Try to get a gyaru gf.

Grab me a bottle of oi ocha and tsuna mayo onigiri, thanks

good reply

good luck!


strong zero

I get out of the city and start trekking
Nature in Japan looks neat and i've wanted to go hiking there, but getting there is to expensive

Attached: 1494786216740.png (852x944, 70K)

>Kansai is full of chinese tourists
>Kyushu is full of Korean tourists

Kanto is best again

>wake up
>take a shit

Are there any Indians in Japan? If there are then what do you guys think of them?