I will introduce about special Korean culture

In Korea, in any hours, even in dawn, we can use the food delivery service. In Korea the population density is high, so the delivery food service are really huge industry in hear.

And I dont know about other country, but in Korea, web comic is really popular. It's sketch is not good as paper comic book, but really popular and it has advantage that it is all color.

And in Korea, the subway and bus is really comfortable and cheap, so we dont need driver license

And I heard that Korea restaurant is really cheap. I think it is because of high population.

I wanna know about other country special culture like those.

Attached: Koala.jpg (1024x768, 771K)

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In Czechia, beer is sometimes cheaper than bottled water

Wow the bottled water is quite expensive?Or beer is cheap?

I'd unironically consider emigrating to South Korea if it wasn't for the insane working hours.

You people are smart enough not to reunite woth your retarded communist side at least


>even in dawn
try 24 hours

I dont wanna united with North Korea, but there are crazy dumbs in South Korea who wanna unite with Nk.

In Germany's bars, that's illegal. You're required by law to have at least one nonalcoholic drink that is cheaper than the alcoholic ones. This was introduced decades ago to combat youth alcoholism.

your statement is so wrong on many levels I can't even

Germany was really rich country than Korea and Germany is much more good situation than Korea. But I am afraid that Korea be united because of dumb left wings.

Thanks haha I didnt know how to express the meaning

Beer is cheap

t. Zhang Mao

wow In Korea, the alcohol law is very weak. In Korea, we can walk with drinking alcohol. But I heard that in some country, it is illegal

do Koreans drink a lot? What do you do in your free time?

Maybe beer is really popular in your country

I dont drink but Koreans really like drink. We Asian so we are not good at drink but every korean like drink. The people drink after their work, and few of them really sometimes sleep at load. It is rare but sometimes happen. I like playing pc game when my free time

Are drugs popular in Korea?

In South Korea, only really few people do drug. In Korea drug is really strictly prohibited. But I heard that in North Korea, most people use drug.


Ontario, Canada:

food delivery is 24/7 in cities, but your best bet in the rural areas or small towns would be maybe a McDonalds the next town over, or a bar

Everybody read or watched Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, or some other mainstream manga as a kid, but people don't really carry it into adulthood except for weird weebs

Even my province alone is 10 times the size of korea with about 1/4 of the population, mainly in a single city, so public transport is virtually non-existent outside of city centres. You need a car to get anywhere, but it's fine because you can find a beater Civic for like 500 bucks with cheap insurance.

Food is getting expensive, but groceries are still pretty affordable, but not as much as America. Alcohol is relatively expensive though.

Restaurants usually have a fair portion of good food for about 10CAD, or about $7.50 USD

It changes province to province though, I live in Quebec now, where gas is more expensive and alcohol is cheaper, so ita different wherever you go

>In Korea many adult also like web comics.

Maybe in your country, from high school, people have to get driver license

In Korea, the groceries are quite expensive, and alcohol is cheap.

I wanna someday go Canada. The landscape will be great

>many adults like webcomics
webcomics really have not caught on, although a lot of people read e-books on e-readers or tablets nowadays. Comics in the west have been sort of unfairly tied to children's media, mostly because of superhero stuff in the 40s and 50s, although there are still many series for adults. I don't know much about comics though, maybe someone from /co/ can answer that more in-depth.

And yes, most people get their license in high school or just after, although since people live close to University they often put it off until graduation. You can get a learner's permit at 16 (someone has to be in a car with you), a semi-full license 8 months afterwards (you can't drive after midnight, no more that 5 people in a car), and then 12 months later you can get a full license by the time you turn 18. Insurance rates will screw you hard until you're 24 though, since young people are much harder to insure. I drive old cars though, and classic car insurance is piss cheap in comparison.

I don't know what the food staples are korea, but when I shop, a decent steak is about $8USD, rice is about $7USD a bag, a bag of onions is about $3USD, and potatoes are super cheap. Since I live in a moderately sized city of about 1 million people, there's a ton of import food ingredients, I go to asian and european grocers all the time. I'm actually making Gung Pao Ji Ding tonight, and I made Gyudon two days ago, Chili the day before, and some Hungarian food prior. Would you have any Korean recipes that you think would be good?

since a wall of text wasn't enough;

Tons of Koreans live in and visit Canada, I lived around many growing up. There's a fair many Korean-language tours for tourists in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, but I would say that Canada is best visited for nature and camping. Vancouver Island, Banff, Algonquin, are all beautiful places to camp or hike, and if you're more experienced, places like the Yukon are amazing places to visit. I can also recommend sightseeing the Ottawa or St. Lawrence rivers, many people go on 4-day tours, from Toronto to Kingston, then Ottawa, then finishing in Montreal. Atlantic Canada is also nice in it's own way, it's very maritime-y and maybe a foreign aesthetic to you. I love it, myself.

>wow in your country, really young age student can get driver license. In Korea, I dont know law but, people get driver license after age 19 usually.

In Korea, potatoes are not so cheap. I dont know about grocery price well, but maybe cheaper than Korea. I like Gyudon too :D

I am Korean but Korean food is quite spicy and really hot

Korean food need much time to cook and difficult. But I will introduce some easy food.

It is called 'Kimchi boggmbam'. You need Kimchi to make it.

In this site, you can search really many recipes.
If you like spicy food, I can recommend this too
And it also need Kimchi

And it is famous Korean food, called Dduck bokki, and It do not require Kimchi

Here in my medium cized Bavarian city it's following:
You can order food usually afternoons. In the morning and at night they are closed. Also some days during the week they are closed because they work the weekends.

Webcomic is propably a very niche thing. Many people like video games. People of different ages play them. Old people read Newspapers while young people only read smartphone, all day long.

There is no subway and a maybe kinda ok bus system. Tho it's really expensive. Students get it much cheaper but for everyone else it's rather cheaper to go by car. (Bus ticket for 1 day is 5€ while while parking in city for 1 day is 1,30€)
We have many kind of restaurants here and some are very good. No Korean Restaurant but a Japanese and two Vietnamese ones. Many chinese restaurants, Italians, some Greeks and also some traditional Bavarian places.
The prices vary a lot but you can have a nice meal that stays affordable.
My favourite is a small Vietnamese place. They've a dish with oyster souce and it's simply addictive.

Because this is Bavaria all people drink a lot of beer from a young age on. I estimate that propably a quarter of all men above 40 are alcoholics tho this number been decreasing lately what worries the breweries. It is also common to drink beer at work and some work places also let you buy beer directly there.

Wow in Korea, because the area is small, there is no good landscape. I wanna Canada really. Maybe Canada people like Camping and nature? Always I wanna watch great nature landscape.

I searched those place on Google and really amazing and beautiful.

Maybe in Germany the food delivery is not so popular like Korea :D

The smartphone is same in Korea. We always watch smartphone

Wow bus is expensive than driving car.

I also like Vietnam food, in Korea, the Vietnam food is really cheap.

I heard that in Germany there is beer festival. Germany really love beer haha. In Korea, other special Korean drink is popular, called 'Soju'

>Germany really love beer haha.
It is only in Bavaria.
We drink much much more beer than all the other Germans. In the north they like to drink beer too, but they don't even come close to the quantities that are drunk here. It is also seen as very bad to drink a beer at work in the north. You can very quickly lose your job for it.

Our western neighbour rather is a whine drinking place. They produce and drink whine there maybe more than beer.

In Bavaria many companies tried to forbid drinking beer at work but it fails since the bavarian constitution defines beer as a basic food and it's not allowed to forbid a basic food.

We have many festivals. In my city there is the city festival once every other year and a castle festival. The castle festival has a medival age theme. People have stands and sell their crafts or food. There are shows and many people.
Two times a year there is the Volksfest, it's like the Oktoberfest in Munich but smaller since this is a small city. There adults go to drink beer and eat Steckerlfisch (a fried fish on a stick) and children like to drive bumber cars and rollercoaster.
And for christmas we have a christmas market. You buy sweets and drink Glühwein (a heated herb wine).

Besides those, local Breweries also make small festivals. The Brewery in my neighbourhood has a so called Starkbeerfest (Strong beer festival). It's always in spring. The beers drunk have over 8% aclohol content (normal is 4-5%).
It usually starts with a churchservice in the Brewery and the Priest blesses everyone than people get drunk.

beer is basic food?I heard that well-made beer can be food and if people drink well-made beer, the people can feel fullness and it is like food.

Wow castle festival it sounds interesting :D It will be really good for family

Wow the beer have really huge alcohol. Maybe many people will get drunk

Here is US, you tip everything.

I heard that in US, it is illegal that drinking alcohol at street. And it is also illegal that have alcohol in car. And I wanna know about other culture in US. Maybe US is big and many people live there, so there will be really various cultures

Tell me what part?
Do you go to those weird protestant sect churches?

thanks, I have no qualms about spice, I us Mad Dog like salt&pepper when I make chili. There's a Korean grocer not far away, I'll see if I can find some kimchi there. I was actually planning on making this recipe next week too
I'm glad, Canada isn't much for the typical touristy town stuff, but if you have a chance, see if you can rent a nice cottage by a lake and a small town, or if you want something a bit more exciting, there are canoe trips set up for foreign tourists that you can sign up for, and travel through national parks with just a canoe, a tent, and some supplies. I'd say it's the best the country can offer for an experience.

I wanna united with you if you know what I mean.

Wow it is really popular in Korea ^0^ You know it!

Staying cottage by lake will be great ^0^ I searched Canada lake cottage in google and it is really beautiful landscape. I wanna go there with my parents ^0^

Canoe trip and staying in tent sounds exciting too. I wanted to experience nature

I can't speak for the other provinces, but as for South-east Ontario, Algonquin Park would be the best for canoe trips, and it's only about 1 1/2 hours from Ottawa and Kingston, two sizeable cities. There's also a lot of cottages and rentals nearby, but if it's your first time, I'd suggest finding a korean-acquainted travel company that can bring you along.

If you were looking to rent a cottage, the Kawarthas are prime territory, but they're a bit expensive. Muskoka is about the same quality, but it's full of millionaire cottages that are often stupid expensive for what you get. If you're okay with a bit of a car ride away, Cottages are very cheap around North Bay and Sudbury, but it's far from international airports, and probably anyone that speaks Korean. Pembroke, Smith's Falls, and Kemptville all have great cottage country around it, and you'd also be closer to Ottawa, and about 2.5 hours from Montreal, if you'd to experience that. If you don't mind the distance though, the Laurentians in Quebec are very hilly, foresty, and beautiful, but slightly remote. It's where a lot of Quebecers go though, so there's still paved roads and stuff.

Either way, as a foreigner, I'd highly recommend finding either a family member or friend who can guide you through things, or a trustworthy travel company that can help you book/rent supplies and property. In any case, good luck with it, lots of people do it, and I'm sure you'd have a great time if you enjoy relaxed nature, and sitting by the lake. The picture i took is from one cottage we rented by North Bay, and fornthe price, it was beautiful for the week.

Attached: IMG_20180817_102142-01.jpg (4032x3024, 4M)

Really thanks for your detail recommend ^0^ There will be many Korean-acquainted travel company and I will go there with my whole family ^0^ I wrote on my computer that you said to me. the Laurentians in Quebec I searched it on google and I really wanna watch the landscape.

If I go there, our family will find trustworthy travel company ^0^ It will be great sitting by lake and take photo and watch the landscape.

The photo is really beautiful and amazing. In Korea, I cant see landscape like that. I wanna sit on there and watch star in sky and lake

Great, good luck! Remember, the further away you are from a larger city or town, the more clear the night sky is. But even then, there's not much blocking it, you can see the stars from anywhere in Canada besides downtown in cities. I camped at Balsam Lake Provincial Park a few times (in case you want to look it up, it's not far from Toronto), and even though there were many people in RVs and a small town nearby, the night sky was still beautiful. Here's a photo from there, if you'd be interested in something closer to the city, but still very natural and comfy

Attached: IMG_20180802_074200-01.jpg (3947x2220, 1.92M)

American tier post.
Fucking go home, yank.

Wow really?I can see stars from anywhere?It is wonderful! In Korea, I cant see stars. When I go Canada, I will take photo of sky. The horizon between tree and water and sky is beautiful ^0^ I wanna camp at there

Really thanks for your explain ^0^ I will sleep

>And it is also illegal that have alcohol in car.

>implying it is not forbidden in any other country

You can have Alcohol in your car here.
Like how else do you transport it?

Bro u just posted cringe bro.

>Like how else do you transport it?
dunno, ask amerimutts