How's the opioid crisis going in your country?

How's the opioid crisis going in your country?

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No such thing, people rather drink themselves to death.

good in my part of the midwest (western midwest)

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all executed for high treason

People here are more into cocaine. zoomers like laughing gas. you see pic related laying around everywhere here

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no idea if it exists

We have a weed problem here

Thanks to Iran and Afghanistan, druggies kill themselves

there is none now tho there used to be one in the 1990s

I saw one of these in Germany and I thought it was a bullet casing from far away, my mind went into mass shooting mode

It's a US problem (and apparently a Canadian too).

Why is New England so high? I though they were developed and European-like?

Not a huge deal. I think speed and benzos are the most popular street drugs, weed too but it's not causing problems by itself. Also we got fake molly and N bombs. Some shrooms here and there. I don't hear about opioids too much other than methadone.

Maybe in the 80s or 90s, but not today
Heroin practically doesn't exist

Some people think that too, don't worry

Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians are into it too I think.

They're too poor for opioids. They prefer Krokodil.

Krokodil is an opioid (desomorphin)

I guess they have an issue with opioids then.

I'm a junkie but not h junkie

I wondered what the deal was with those gas canisters all over CPH

Retard sheltered underage

Go die somewhere else junkie

Heroin abuse and eventual death has been absurdly prevalent in this town for so long that I dont think its really a crisis. I see guys and gals OD every summer

accidentally got those pulled from every store in town back when I was in school

They're refills for whiped cream dispensers. I wonder why they don't use carbon dioxide instead of NO2, perhaps its superficial tension properties give smoother foam.


No such thing.
Poland is a hub for illegal drug production and a main export origin country for most of western EU but the there isn't any problem with drug abuse among general population.

Fuck wh*Tey I guess.

Yes thanks, NO2 wouldn't end well.

Oslo ?

it would be very painful

opiods are prescribed mostly to whites, deliberately

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You're a big guy.

25 euros a gram #3

m8 Russia consumes about 1/5th of the world's heroin production

Gram of what heroin?

There was a heroin epidemic in the 80s and 90s but it's long over now

yes, but I think its even worse in Bergen.

Cry leech, go ask mom for coffe money.

South American trash

Take that back! The (((Sackler))) family would absolutely never do anything to harm their fellow Whites.

Afghani smokeable, the brown rock you vap on foil

i dont know, maybe just more of a drug culture there. i know heroin is usually more common there and meth here and in western states, which is harder to OD on. never really heard of opiod deaths or any drug deaths here

lol thats not a real thing

is it treated a bit after acetylation or is it a disgusting dark sticky mess full of shit like mexican heroin?

remembered back when i was just a little kid, i saw a group of ppl inject opioid in the hand, and since i was just a kid and dont understand what ''opioid'' is, i approach them to ask about it. They are funny and weird, they just laugh and tell me to keep a distance if i ever see ppl like them.
they are very friendly, but shit, what a life

Believe me, they're less friendly when looking for their fix.

Junkies use buprenorphine here. Drug scene here is really that pathetic

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Mexican black tar heroin is basically opium boiling in acetic acid, you don't see that stuff commonly around here.

The heroin here from Afghanistan mainly is made from the refined alkaloid fraction of opium, morphine mostly, which is diacetylated with acetic anhydride. Then it is cut with caffeine and lactose and pressed into rock.

Attached: afghan heroin.jpg (400x400, 56K)

being addicted to heroin seems so cool. i wouldnt even know where to get it

why don't you come on over to flugsvamp? I can't imagine sweden-finland customs being very aggressive

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>opium boiling in acetic acid,
* boiled
it is monoacetylated, and contains all sort of plant matter wax junk

it's pure hell, stay away from it

Yes, mexican should get their shit togheter. It's not that much more work making potable drugs

It is a problem when our entire army is potheads with guns

A lot of rich white people in New England. You can find a needle or a spoon pretty much everytime you go out

oxycontin express was a wild ride, do they still advertise "pain management" in the local paper?

Wouldn't surprise me, I work at a pharmacy and some of our clients take enough painkiller faily to kill a horse

Not sure about that but it was no work to get perc 5s from doctorstein. You gotta put in much more for the 30s and the 50s but I'm not about opioids they're too good

yeah, lazy ass spics

Kek are you high right now fucking junkie?

In terms of long-term pain management in heavy cases opioids are often still the only viable option. Obviously that comes with heavy tolerance.

I had some cocaine in Krakow, it was atrocious. Smoked some decent weed in the back room of a bar after making some friends too

Sure but this was something else. Literal pages filled with only ads for pain management clinics, some who explicitly stated that they only pills. No specialized workouts and such.

The market will regulate itself.

Why is Oslo so gloomy?

not very high, people my age it's mostly weed, mdma and cocaine, maybe some ketamine too and acid of course

wh*Tes are getting BTFO

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Thats sad, as some pain is psychosomatic and may be cured without any pill at all, just talking and adjusting life a bit.

It takes a certain type of person to pull it off, it sounds ridiculous but to handle a dope addiction the right way you need to have godtier willpower. I've managed it for almost two decades now because I've set up my life to accommodate it, and mostly avoid the life ruining pitfalls most addicts run into, but it is exhausting sometimes.

it's mostly whitoids who btfo themselves