1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Are kids in your cunt depressed about climate change

Yes, British teens past a certain age are all depressed that the earth is gonna die before they get to middle age. Literally a generation of hopeless doomers.

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im gona pollute this planes as much as i can, I am a hopeless khv and I will never have kids, Fuck normies and their kids

Who cares about the climate lol. Just turn on the AC, retards.

But if the planet dies you will literally never lose your virginity

Why are first worlders so obsessed with climate change?
Nobody here cares.

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Thats because your population is largely very stupid and/or uninformed

anarcho nihilist gang

Scientists keep telling us that we're all going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. Whether they're right or wrong, it's impossible not to be depressed about it (unless you're some suicidal fag)

Why should I care about something that's beyond my capacity to fix? Why are people such stuck-up self-important assholes? We're all meaningless peasants and should live our lives as such.

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you already live badly, it can't get much worse for you

youre not wrong, if anything is ever even remotely fixed its through international geopolitics on a huge scale, but if or when that comes it might have been forced through by the collective worry of the people.

We can do something, but it's unethical.

Because your people are closer to monkeys behaviour, you only care what you'll eat and rape.

fuck it desu, we must accelerate the environmental collapse till everyone is dead

>Durrrr I don't want to live, so I'm gonna kill everyone else too!

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>tfw born during the highest peak humanity will ever reach

>noooo you just cant kill people dude thats unethical omg like imagine if the killed one were you omg you fucking psychopath noooooo

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Are you alright, m8?

yes, my generation knows we are condemned to a bleak future that offers nothing in terms of living a happy existence. we also know there is virtually nothing we can do about this and that we must try and prepare for hard times to come. our nation in particular is in decline in terms of culture and morals, the education system has failed and we are overrun by vicious boomers who can barely read or write and are unable to fix anything but ask us to pay their pensions. they left nothing for us except a broken system that doesn't care about our existence but tells us we have to deal with it. realistically speaking, without any alarmism, the situation is ogre.

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Brazilians elected someone who thinks climate change is a propaganda to sell fans, that can tell you already.

It's a myth.

Spoiler: The fans make it worse.


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