Whiter than you, Muham-

Whiter than you, Muham-

Attached: A8EA752F-173E-4106-822D-B5306D9BCFDA.jpg (960x584, 116K)

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Ahh if it isn’t my old friend, Seamus Al-Shaugnessy

It's always gingers that convert to Islam, can someone explain this to me?

Finna based, for real though muslim whites are based af.

They are based and redpilled.

>Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi is a Syrian Islamic scholar and religious leader.
What the fuck?

He's a fucking Syrian.

Attached: EE9E9B17-596C-4F4E-AF68-6191C511AC9C.jpg (634x464, 95K)

Is that Fidel Castro?

He is the direct descendant of Muhammed as well

doesn't look european probably mena

No. Guy in pic is too white

Attached: 4CC5C0BA-98B9-4A6A-ACE8-A6BDF369AF31.jpg (1220x432, 114K)

>when you kidnap so many european women you completely bleach yourself

red hair is just a mutation lol
i seee more red heads than blond blond

How common are Syrian gingers? There's a Syrian kebab shop keeper in my town and he's also a ginger.

King Abdullah of Jordan is also a direct descendant of the Prophet and he looks like a sunburnt German retiree. Face it Jow Forums, Muhammad was a whitoid.

Attached: Queen-Rania-King-Abdullah-II-.jpg (960x540, 376K)

Muhammed comfirmed to be white

Nah, Muhammad was a pure shitskin. The upper class of Muslim cunts just bleached themselves because of all the White women they kidnapped.

Posting another white direct descendent of the prophet.

Attached: er maj.jpg (1200x1584, 454K)

Why are you guys surprised
he is a pale ginger in the hadiths described as being so white he shines

Muhammed was an Irishman.


Very common. One of them is a WWE superstar

Muhammed was described is white with a shade of redness the same as king abdullah