I havent masturbated or looked at porn in 2 weeks

I havent masturbated or looked at porn in 2 weeks

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For 2 weeks now*
Shit I can't even think properly

same but for 3 weeks, all you need to do is get a hobby or friends and have the slightest bit of self control

how does someone let their posture get so bad



Severe nerd neck

Clymer is definitely in the Troon Hall of Fame, he literally mansplains feminism to lib women and they thank him for the privilege

I am doing that

I did nofap for like 5 weeks and I realized no difference whatsoever. It's literally just a meme.

i haven't jerked it in 3 days, i plan on doing full no fap for 6 months.

not gonna make it

I finally unlocked my third eye and telekinesis powers after 3 hours nofap.

I have a desk job and my posture is still great.
All you have to do is sit up straight it's not that difficult.

nofap is not a contest
Back in the day masturbation was considered a non adult human trait by psychologists. A fully developed personality means that your sexuality is expressed and fulfilled through another person, preferably of the opposite sex.
That's the point of nofap, incentivise yourself to chase after women. Not turn to the easy and immediate solution of porn

nice bro good going

I masturbate whenever I feel like it

But women are horrible

Obviously it depends on what kind of work you do. It's hard to have a good posture being a welder or something like that

>I masturbate whenever I feel like it

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good for you. I get sex headaches, which is called cefaleia orgastica in pt
oh my

can't confirm
Haven't socialised with many

Whenever the stimulus is too strong and can't do otherwise


For way over a year and a half. Step up, nigger.

this guy is one of the most obnoxious tranny freaks on twitter, seriously wish these people would just collectively mass suicide already

They're terribly boring but you have to make them think you like them so that they'll agree to have sex with you. Then if something is wrong, they'll just be in a bad mood but won't tell you what's wrong, but if everything is going well they'll just make up something to be mad about. Then you have to come up with a way to make them leave after you finish having sex

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how do you feel

Better, more energy to work and socialize
